Casey Whalen: “Arthur doesn’t agree with me.
That means he’s ‘controlled opposition’!”


I love my haters!

In Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, there is a lingering effort of white nationalist freaks trying for some degree of relevance.

The Idaho GOP is making great strides to keep Idaho great, and make the state a standard for other states to follow.

However, there are still some of those perverse, dishonest elements in Northern Idaho, who want to corrupt constitutionalism, conservatism, and common sense into more racialism and empty bigotry.

Check out the latest attempt by one of these types, an over-done, flabby Nick Fuentes “groyper” [the nickname that Nick Fuentes followers use to describe themselves] named Casey Whalen:

Normally, such hollow hit pieces don’t deserve a response, but the allegations are so laughable, and the dishonesty is so great, and they are so easy to debunk, that I just couldn’t resist commenting. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, it’s so easy to trash. This was fun!

First, the notion that Whalen was “exposing” MassResistance is rather silly. Everything that he recorded my saying in that phone call, I have said in public as well as private. It’s quite vindicating when peopleĀ  record you secretly, with the express attempt to shame you, only to further affirm your integrity and honesty to the general public.

I have dealt with a number of Israel First fanatics like Mr. Whalen, who have taken my private conversations, made them public, only to vindicate myself and put themselves to shame.

Here are a few other things that I want to point out:

1. Whalen calls MassResistance “Israel First.” Huh? Not once did I mention Israel in my conversation with him.

2. When I calledĀ anti-Semite white nationalist Nick FuentesĀ a liar, he did not challenge me or correct me. There was no denial from Casey Whalen, thus in a broad sense confirming my point.

3. Whalen cries that I do not support freedom of speech, or that MassResistance does not support freedom of speech. What he reall means is: “You don’t like what I am saying, and therefore you are silencing me.” Such complaints are rather childish, immature. Part of freedom of speech is the freedom not to listen, and not to associate with views which one finds offensive.

Never have I silenced or sought the cancellation of Mr. Whalen or his comments. He is free to post or publish whatever he chooses, provided he does not violate the natural rights of others. That is my stance on the issue.

Now, let’s consider the comments that Casey Whalen made:

4. He asserts that the whole notion of cultural Marxism and thus transgenderism comes from “the Jooz.”Ā He sounds a lot like Joy Reid,Ā who used to blame “The Jooz” for everything. Yes, there are passages in the Talmud from some commentators, who allege that there are more than two sexes. But those are opinions and discussions among many clashing views within that text. I do not read the Talmud, and most Jews do not read the Talmud. I have even read that most religious, observant Jews recognize that the Talmud is not inspired. I explained all of this to Casey.

More importantly, though, I pointed out to him that there are other wayward cultural views that have wrongly asserted that there are more than two sexes. Southeast Asian Indians believe that there is a “third sex” for people with dubious genitalia. Also, American Indians believe that here are more than two sexes. In fact, this false notion is quite widespread in my cultures and their myths of origin:

I shared this information with Casey, and he could not refute that, either.
Instead of answering my questions, he resorts to complaining and defaming me, defaming MassResistance.
5. I just loved the part when he talked about MassResistance, and he mentioned Brian Camenker, the President of MassResistance, who “admits that he is Jewish.” He “admits” it … as if it’s something to be ashamed of or that he has to hide. Seriously?
6. Building on the point above, Casey shared an article from CBN, i.e. the CHRISTIAN Broadcasting Network, and the passage specifically which Casey highlights points to Brian’s wish to defend CHRISTIANS from persecution. All of this hostility to “The Jooz” makes even less sense, and Casey really made himself look bad after sharing this.
7. Casey Whalen calls MassResistance “controlled opposition.” What does that even mean? OurĀ organization has made considerable strides in Idaho, as well as other states. We even helped parents in Coeur D’Alene and helped theĀ Kootenai County library board of trusteesĀ deal with all the crazy, left-wing cultural rot which has infiltrated the region.
8. I have to revisit this smear: “Israel First.” Again, what is all this about? It comes down to this: if you don’t like Nick Fuentes, if you do not share the groyper cult-like fascination/obsession with a spoiled bigot from Chicago and their hatred of Israel, that means you are not “America First,” and thus “Israel First.” All of those anti-American groypers have such an unremitting hatred of Jews, of Israel, of any demographic that is not “white.” How that is “America First,” has never been made clear to me.
Funny thing is, MassResistance has a number of Jewish people who support our work, but they do not support Israel. We even have ardent anti-Zionists who not only work with MassResistance, but have donated to our cause! Strange indeed that he calls us “Israel First.”
9. Whalen wails that I might have–might have? great journalism there!–reported his website or his reporting to some left-wing smear machine like the Southern Poverty Law Center. He clearly has not done his homework. MassResistance, and myself personally, have been smeared, defamed, maligned, and libeled by theĀ SPLC multiple times. I have actually taken steps and made strides to get the SPLC libel removed from major newspapers. But Whalen calls us “controlled opposition …” Sure.
And a few other things …
10. MassResistance is an international organization, not just national. We have worked with people in other countries, not just the United States, and we have had successes in those countries, as well.
11. My last name is “Schaper,” pronounced “shopper,” not “Sharper.” I am really stunned how often people get that wrong, especially from someone like Casey Whalen, who calls himself a journalist,
Instead of exposing MassResistance, Whalen exposed himself, and his “scoop” backfired on him big time. Local activists in the Coeur D’Alene area shared their alarm with me when they saw Whalen’s hit piece. They have had enough of the ethnic bigotry, the Jew-bashing, the anti-natural law sentiments which do not help, but rather hinder the fight against cultural Marxism. Whalen is free to wail, and I am free to keep fighting the good fight.
You can’t fight the lies of the Left with more lies, though. I stand with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who boldly exhorte: “Live not by lies.” Whalen chose to lie about me and MassResistance, and he has the freedom to do so. I am grateful for the freedom and opportunity to expose one more groyper, especially an older man who should think about serving his community, rather than acting like a child.
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