What business does the state have running education?

The state micromanages teachers, students, and all attending staff into a system designed to make a far-off school board look good to upper-level bureaucrats in the state capitol.

Students deserve to learn, not "to be taught".

Who in their right mind actually believes that we can inculcate necessary values and knowledge into students when there is no metaphysical framework for putting young people through the arbitrary academic rigmarole?

Why pressure a student to study math when he would rather build a bridge or a model car? What if he likes poetry or essay-writing? Why not encourage students to follow the inclination of their inner witness?

Way back in the day, school was about reading, writing, and arithmetic. Beyond that, students could chart their own course based on their innate leanings and the needs of society.

School needs to return to its rudimentary roots. If necessary, why not cut down on the amount of a time that a students has to spend in a classroom with a teacher? After students learn how to read, write, and cipher, why not just turn them loose to pursue what interests them?

Students have a remarkable sense if intuition when it comes to learning, yet after twelve years of k-12 compulsory education, it practically gets beat out of them.

The state cannot educate, pure and simple. Why not leave this precious task to the parents, local community leaders, and ultimately the students themselves?

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