Not about to forfeit the debate on job reform, Senate Republicans have presented a counter to Obama's Jobs Bill:
1. Repeal ObamaCare
2. Issue a Balanced Budget Amendment
3. Expand Off-shore drilling
4. Lower tax rates across the board for all Americans
5. Close Corporate Loopholes
There's something for everyone in this bill. Democrats would love to see corporations pay more than they do now, many of whom avoid paying large taxes because of savvy finessing with the Tax Code.
Repealing ObamaCare is the rallying cry of the Tea Party Movement and any small or middle-sized business that wants to stabilize the economic climate and make investment sound. Even President Obama has had to back-paddle from one of many unsustainable provisions in his signature medical care legislation.
Lowering tax rates for all Americans is an open salvo for the struggling and unemployed. Why keep what the American people do not have in the first. Despite the short-term harm to the national debt, the long-term consumption and investment will spur economic recovery.
As for energy, rising gas prices are afflicting everyone, hitting the profit margin of business and the pocket books of consumers. Besides paving the way for more exploration, investment, and employment, leasing available land for drilling would ease the supply shortage in the face of growing demand for energy.
Once again, the GOP is on the attack with coherent and careful policies that will work, instead of the pious blather emanating from the Vanity-in-Chief, whose Jobs Bill is one more failing attempt to salvage a near-certain one-term presidency.