But everyone needs to take a spiritual journey.
I cannot think my way through anything.
Central planning, whether one teacher for a classroom, or one government for an entire nation, is untenable.
I cannot begin to predict the needs and wants of five people on any given day, yet a teacher is expected to draw up lessons and provide piece meal differentiation for the one or two "bright kids" and remedial work for the "slow students".
Why not individualize instruction down to the needs and dictates of every pupil?
Homeschooling does this very well. Mom and Dad tend to have more knowledge about the needs of their children than a state official attempting to work with 150+ students.
Anyone who thinks that success begins in one's mind and proceeds diligently from there is greatly mistaken.
Good teaching is not head to head, but heart to heart. That requires more individual attention that one teacher in a classroom of increasing students to manage.