To the Tea Party Movement in the several states:

For the 2012 election cycle, let us put away a near-fatal adherence to political purity for the sake of pragmatic prosperity across the 50 states.

New England Republicans are of a distinctly moderate flavor. That may not suit your taste, but that's the way the tea is served in the North East.

We must stop expecting to brew piping-hot conservatives in the more tepid North East, at least not outright. As long as we hold on to the challenged notion of purity as an indicator for success in politics, we will fail in accepting that politics is the art of the possible. It is possible for us to stop the Obama Big Government agenda, but we need as many Republicans, moderate or stalwart, to effect this course correction in our country.

Contrary to California Congressman Tom McClintock's cynical contention, a politician can be a first-rate statesman as a social moderate and a dynamic fiscal conservative.

For example, some have castigated New Jersey Governor Christ Christie as a RINO. Chris Christie, A RINO? He is a rhino to be sure, a rhino of a statesmen charging through corruption, easy gimmes, and welfare state handouts at will. He is a fiscal conservative, the very thing this country needs more than anything else. He is personally opposed to abortion, too, as is U.S. Senator Scott Brown. However, on this and other social issues, the federal government should not even be making the decisions of life and death. Is that position not in concert with the Tea Party cry for limited, constitutional government?

About the seeming entrenched moderate political climate of the North East, do not despair. Committed Conservatives Like U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte and Maine Governor Paul LePage are reinventing the Republican brand in New England, and in some cases with surprisingly effective results.

Let us also remembers that RINO Olympia Snow may have sat on the fence about ObamaCare, but when push came to shove she voted against the bill with her party! Above all else, we need as many party members voting together against egregious encroachments of the state into our daily lives. If a Republican votes part of the time for free markets and limited government, that is an improvement over a Democrat or an Independent who will tow the liberal-statist-Democratic party line 100% of the time.

The nation suffered under a left-wing onslaught from 2009-2011. Let us see to it that We the People never have to endure such outrageous, elitist, arrogant conduct again.

Let's respect the Buckley Rule with all due diligence: From the North East to the South West, let us all support the most conservative candidates who are electable for their distinct constituencies. That includes Scott Brown for Massachusetts and Christopher Shays for Connecticut. Perhaps Mike Castle of Delaware will mount another campaining for the Senate, too. As for Maine, perhaps a little challenge from the right may be just what Senator Snowe needs to remember where she comes from; if she and other North Eastern moderates see themselves as the part of the party of Nixon, then they need to keep voting that way!

In the mean time, Tea Party, don't be cool toward a Republican just because he or she is not scalding hot for ever plank in the Republican platform.

Let's not make the extremist miscalculation of Barry Goldwater, but instead declare openly:

"Conservatism in moderation is better than no conservatism at all."

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