Income disparity in itself is nothing.

Thomas Sowell, a well-respected economist and academic, has pointed the inherently fluid nature of such disparities.

Rather than trying to bridge or lessen the gap, we need to promote more economic freedom.

That means less government, less taxation, less crony capitalism, seducing lawmakers to pass legislation that tailors to the limited interests of the few.

No matter how loud the outrage, the real problem is too much government

Or to paraphrase McMillan of New York gubernatorial fame:

The government is too damn big!

By the way, when you say "we", of whom are you speaking? Occupy Everywhere claims to represent the 99% "exploited" by the rich, entrenched few.

I do not presume to think of myself as part of the 1%, therefore they could not possibly be talking to individuals like myself.

Who exactly are they raging at, anyway?

Do you see my point?

If there is not articulated message, not point of departure for meaningful change, they why listen? There is nothing really to listen to.

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