"The great marvel of the Incarnation slips into ordinary childhood’s life; the great marvel of the Transfiguration vanishes in the devil-possessed valley; the glory of the Resurrection descends into a breakfast on the sea-shore. This is not an anti-climax, but a great revelation of God."
This is the Life of Christ living in each believer.
This is Christ in you and me, the hope of glory.
This is the blessing. For a long time, I believed that God's blessings were out there, but that I had to strain my mind and heart to find them.
Now I understand, everything is gift because He is the Giver! He gave His Son for me, and every other beautiful thing in this world is one more gift from Him for me to receive with great joy.
I do not have to get in the right mood, think the right thoughts, or even do anything! I am called to believe, to believe on Him, and behold everything that He wants for me comes to me!