"Do people who advocate special government programs for blacks realize that the federal government has had special programs for American Indians, including affirmative action, since the early 19th century — and that American Indians remain one of the few groups worse off than blacks?" — Thomas Sowell
"This should work, this should work, this should work": when will this liberal mantra ever end? Even the ivory-tower pundits who spout such nonsense no longer believe it, but no one wants to deny themselves a handout or another chance to blame someone else for his or her one failures.
When liberal pundits have run out of brains, or get tired of other people wasting their own hard-earned money, then maybe they will can the empty slogans.
Minorities have never been assisted by the public dole. Undermining initiative, rewarding indolence, select groups that become wards of the state become dependents and derelicts, unable to get by without a little more of Uncle Sam's dime (read, yours and mine)
Affirmative Action is an abuse of state power which impoverishes everyone. Native Americans who insist on living self-pitying lives because of the lives and the land that they lost at the hand of the United States Government only harm themselves. Despite the grave wrongdoings of the past, why expect the federal government to foot every bill and deepen one's enslavement to government? Welfarism cannot make up for past wrongs, and why perpetuate present evil?