Blue state, Red state: everyone likes to color-code dichotomies.
Blue states are liberals. Blue dogs care about fiscal discipline, but generally vote with Democrats on social and military issues.
Red states are conservative, Republican bastions. RINOs carry the name, but vote with Democrats. Moderates also pick and choose which policies in the GOP camp to promote, and which to push aside.
Why this dichotomy within the Red State camp?
The North East and the North West, for one. Holdouts for liberal thinking, these regions of the country may promote a strong foreign policy or limited fiscal conservatism, but these vastly secular regions of the country are more included to permit the state to assist others and to permit individuals to follow more socially liberal mores.
Yet there needs to be a place in the Republican party for such Blue-Red hybrids, or Purple Conservatives.
Provided that incumbents and candidates support limited government and some form of fiscal discipline, their divergent values can tolerably join with the more conservative elements of the party.
With Obama's statist status quo standing firm on a the growing encroachment of the federal government into the several states and our daily lives, the nation needs as many conservatives — ruby red, pink, and purple — in Washington halting the assault on our Constitution, our country, and our communities.