Barack Hussein Obama — community organizer, academic, state senator, junior U.S. Senator, campaigner, now President of the United States.

No executive experience, no long-term experience in leadership and compromise.

Community organizer is just legalized bullying, which although immediately effect, in the long term leaves much to desired when the bully get bullied in turn attempting to lead in a manner incommensurate with his rise to power.

An academic has much learning, yet will never come to the truth. Truth is a manifest beyond a man's limited capacities, beyond his limited vision, beyond even his limited coterie of comrades. An academic lives in the confines of his mind. A nation is not an abstract, not a syllabus, not open to endless debate or inquiry. If nothing else, President Obama has demonstrated how thoughtful he can be, but neither thought-provoking nor thought of as decisive.

State Senator — His bold stance in 2002 against the United States' invasion of Iraq was respectable. However, a small-time state senator in a corrupt, one-party government provides little preparation for a politician interest in national affairs.

U.S. Senator — He captured the nomination and the seat after the Republican incumbent declined to run and the first Republican contender dropped out of the race after racy allegations of domestic abuse surfaced from a recent messy divorce. The sudden stand-in, Alan Keyes, was a practical non-entity in a strongly Democratic state. Obama easily won election, ranked 99th in the Senate, assigned to the Veterans' Affairs Committee.

Campaigner — Community Organizing a national scale, certainly. And President Obama was good at it. He knew how to reach out to a crow. Then again, the crowd was dissatisfied with the Bush Brand and his Republican party, that any Democrat with a modicum of skill could have sealed the Presidency, which Obama did, but with a tepid 53% of the popular vote.

US President — So, Barry now Barack has been the chief executive for nearly three years. With his overwrought intellect, community skills that devise opposition yet provide no positive plans, his limited legislative experience, combined with his academic-encrusted leftist views, Mr. Obama never had nor ever could have the necessary demeanor of challenge, come together, agree, disagree, compromise, and decide.

Leadership is an art, an experiential skill depending on a willingness to failure, an insistence on translating belief into action, not just settling for reflection that leads to more reflection.

The neophyte hero of the young masses has guaranteed a tired legacy, one which will impoverish this nation and its future generations.

Yet our constitutional system of checks and balances, despite the numerous assaults and abuses which it has endured by uber-progressivism that would make Woodrow Wilson blush, has prevailed. Republican majority in the House with it matching, surging minority in the Senate, have already frustrated Obama's well-laid, poorly-planned ideals. In 2012, Republicans from all walks of life, legislative, executive, business, long-term, short-term, yet consistent and clear in their convictions, will challenge the neophyte-academic who swept up the White House on a wave of populist sentiment, and will in turn be swept away by the same force, now disillusioned yet still thirsting for hope and change.

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