The Downtown Los Angeles Farmers' Market hit a major roadblock earlier this week. In their normal merchandising location, they found themselves edged out by the tented squatters of Occupy Los Angeles.

While demonstrating on behalf of the 99% who are not big bankers or corporate cronies, the Occupy Los Angels hordes have harmed the bottom line of the small businesses and the small vendors who belong to the same frustrated 99%.

Occupy Los Angeles cost at least 50% of the sales for many of the merchants, whose customers have been unceremoniously and inadvertently chased off by the hostile rabble looking for anyone to blame for the sloth and poverty.

There is nothing wrong with voicing upset and protesting in the public square — this right is protected in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. However, a right by nature cannot impinge on the rights of others, including peaceful assembly, whether to make a point or to make a profit. In their heedless zeal to berate someone besides themselves or Washington for their troubles, the Occupy movements are harming the very people whom they represent as well as attacking the very engine that restores prosperity to nations with weakened economies: a free market of goods and ideas that does not frustrate or force others to acceptance or rejection.

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