Mitt Romney has the mind and body of a President.
However, he is moved more by a sense of legacy and duty.
We need a candidate and President moved by a spirit, a move of intuition for greater than a scripted pol who smacks of inevitability of established support.
Mitt Romney does not connect with others because he has not connected personally with the calling of the Presidency.
His father as a governor and a presidential candidate. Naturally, although hardly innate, son wants to follow in father's footsteps.
Yet is this what Mitt Romney wants? Or is he just going through the motions as a national political figure should?
It is amazing how many politicians run for higher office as a matter of course, rather than as a matter of cause.
Does Mitt the man want to be Mitt the President in the deepest part of himself. His behavior and approach to the public would suggest otherwise.
He is distant, his bland, he repeats people's questions and comments without answering them.
Yes, he has taken in a large amount of money, but mostly from well-financed interests who want to see any Republican win. Yet one man with one million dollars does not create one million votes, nor does it carry a presidential election.
Romney is a divide, double-minded man, not just a moderate trying to play a conservative, by a politician by the book trying to play a part that requires heart.
For this reason he has been a weak front runner, and an almost-candidate for president, but will ultimately miss the mark, no matter how credible and electable he may be on paper.