Congresswoman Bachmann is a conscientious candidate, one who has articulate bold principles with fiery rhetoric.

Yet her campaign for President had dimmed. Her entire staff stationed in New Hampshire has resigned en masse, criticizing her lack of attention to the Granite State.

The first primary elections will be held in New Hampshire, according to modern political tradition, which puts Bachmann's campaign back even further.

No longer posing a major threat to President Obama or the current GOP frontrunners, the Congresswoman may want to consider dropping out while there is still time for other candidates to make their case to the base. She would better serve the country as an outspoken leader in the House of Representatives, where her more partisan take on national issues will galvanize the growing Tea Party caucus and keep establishment and moderate elements in line.

Now would be a good time, Congresswoman, to withdraw your candidacy and endorse Ron Paul, a fellow conservative more in line with your pure policies than the more mainstream frontrunners.

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