Throughout the rest of the school year, I bounced around in two other high schools in the district.
Apparently, I was a lot of fun.
I liked teaching French, I was a French teacher, once.
So, I brought some French lessons for fun. At the end of the period, if there was any, I would teach them some French. The kids really like it. Throughout the campus I was known as the French teacher.
I had a following, I guess you could say.
I was a popular teacher. But popular does not mean proficient, nor even helpful.
I am not a bad teacher, I guess, so long as I was not playing by the rules, doing what was contrary or beyond the staid lesson placed before me.
Students like to learn, they especially enjoy learning what it has nothing to with the pre-laid lesson plan of the permanent teacher.
Education is strange like that. The less planned, the less pre-packaged, the more engaging, the more enlightening a lesson can be.
In a way, then, I am a bad teacher, at least in an official sense, the degree to which I come unprepared, unplanned, un- . .anything.
Then I am a good teacher, really I am!