In the midst of on going budget crises in the State of California, Governor Brown is soliciting the legislature to appropriate funds for a bullet train connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Does the state of California need any more boondoogles? Analysts already have doubled the projected cost of this project. The citizens of the state of California do not have the fortitude or constitution for one more public works project that does not work the public, neither in the short or the long term.

Even when city planners were able to push through Congress, over President Reagan's veto, a massive appropriation to renovate the traffic and turnpikes in Boston, the venture still went way over cost, with the unremitting loss of billions of dollars.

Governor offers the example of the Transcontinental Railroad in order to shore up support for the bullet train.

He neglects to mention that the whole operation then was another boondoggle, a wasteful appropriation manipulated into passage by Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas, who wanted the railroad to run through Chicago at the behest of investors who had the Little Giant on their dole.

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