Does Mankind exist?
Of course, anyone would respond. Yet to respond betrays an individual bias, a limited intellect.
What is man, who is he, what is he to us?
Labels are abstractions. Names do not communicate the rich, infinite mysteries of a human being. The unending resourcefulness of the human mind is forever limited by its unique position, and its stereotypical appreciation of its surroundings.
The brotherhood of mankind indeed does not exist, for that would require every human being to sacrifice the internal thesaurus of expression which colors and contours his individual experience.
We are equal in essence, yet not in excellence. Our capacities are similar, yet their outcomes are varied.
The more that we respect each other, though we never perceive all of who we are, the closer to the truth we arrive, in no longer cataloguing what we do, but acknowledging the indivisible breadth of greatness capable within us and outside of every one of us.