He's fat.
He's brash.
He kicks butt.
He tells it like it is.
Chris Christ is no Christ-figure, yet he has Christ-like qualities, unlike the current Vanity-in-Chief, whose self-importance has so impeded his pretended usefulness, the country is longing to be rid of him.
New Jersey may not like Governor Chris Christie, but the rest of the sure likes what he is doing.
He is honest, moving about with integrity, and he does not just tell the voters the truth.
To his own self he is also true. Over and over he told the Republicans, the Tea Party, and everyone else following him that he would not run for President. He did not have to kill himself to make his point, but he stuck to his word, once again demonstrating the power of a chief executive with integrity.
Chris Christie is not the Savior for the Republican Party. But he loves New Jersey, and we love him for it.
You may not raise the dead, governor, but you have raised the dispirited hopes of many in this country still craving leadership. At least we know of one place where of find it.