Contrary to the widespread calumny level at public education in the South Bay,

Centinela Valley Union High School District is functioning normally, as one would expect.

From the moment that the state imposed compulsory education on the American people, there has been little interest to reform education as needed.

Why mess with a model that is doing what it was designed to do in the first place?

School board's wrangling with teacher's unions over unsupportable pensions and medical benefits, while students languish in unkempt classrooms attempting to learn inane and disconnected material at a snail's pace.

Wasted resources and unnecessary administrative positions.

Frequent student misconduct that goes unchecked much of the time.

Whether we wish to admit it or not, a public school that fails to educate is not failing at all.

Hence, all the press about out failing public schools fails to instigate any action. How else are they supposed to function?

The only lunacy that must be debunked immediately is the notion that Centinela Valley is the worst school district in the South Bay, when compared with the seeming success of other school districts. No matter how high or how low the test scores, public schools are filled with deviance, dysfunction, and despair, all in direct correlation to a monopoly on schooling, the drill-kill-swill that students are forced to have their fill of over a 12-year period.

What makes Centinela Valley prominent is the state's enhanced focus and intervention in the school, which paradoxically keeps the test scores low, the student and staff inertia high, and replicated all the more the inherent functional-dysfunction of public schools.

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