National Organization of Women; …….ARE YOU “NATURE-DENIERS”???

Sent to; (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 

AMERICA NEEDS TO ASK;……..ALL the work done over the years to Empower & Embolden Women, and you Trivialize these efforts by supporting;…. “Men who claim to be Women, in Defiance and of Denial of Nature and our Birthright Laws.”…


..Your very existence requires YOU to take a position (in support) for one Gender by Nature,….or one “Human” devised and Made-up / non-existent “Gender” !!!….Reality, Integrity, and Honesty,… Demands that you embrace one “position” or  the other, or be exposed, as a Fence-sitting, Hypocrite!!!



Commentary / Opinion;AMERICA NEEDS TO ASK,…..(National Organization of Women),…Are you supporting those who allege to be “women”, but are (by all Scientific & Medical standards) Men?   “Men” who have Trivialized the role of women by competing with them in Sports with a Man’s body, which by Nature is Larger and Stronger??

…..It appears so, as you (appear) to be supporting the Cliche’ statements about “Gender Identity.”….How are Women supposed to feel, when Society “Forces-Feeds” these delusions, and Demeans Women’s roles in competition, and LIFE itself???……….Where is the Out-Cry from …N.O.W.??

AMERICA NEEDS TO ASK;……Are you supporting the False “Gender Identity” Declarations by “Men”, as our young Women FEAR to change in their School Locker-rooms, as some Demented School Boards are embracing Policies of Delusion over Reality???…Where is the Outrage from N.O.W.??

…Are you supporting the False “Gender Identity” Declarations by “Men”, as our young Women get Assaulted and Raped due to Policies that allow these FAKE Women to enter a Woman’s Bathroom??…Well, N.O.W., show us your documented objections to these ATTACKS, by Gender- Delusionist, and Nature Deniers!!!

…Are you aware, that NO Psychological or Medical exam is given or even allowed when one makes a Declaration that they are a “Trans”??…
…Yet, if a Woman insist and says she is “Jill Biden”, and represents herself as such, she will get Detained and have to undertake a variety of Psychological and / or Medical exams….YET,…. A man may simply declare that he is a “Woman”, and without any Evaluation, both our Scientific and Medical Associations concur Blindly…That’s Politics,…NOT,… Medicine!!!
..Is N.O.W. remaining SILENT, on such a Travesty, and Neglect of our Sciences???
How are “YOU”, Protecting Women’s Rights, and why have you Sided with the concept that one “Gender” can change (at will), from their own Birth-Gender,….when there is NO Science or Medical Foundation to support such a statement??
…In this case N.O.W.,…You are Compelled to take a position, because you cannot support BOTH, and profess Integrity, and Honesty….. America needs to know,….WOMEN or “TRANS”???

(National Organization of Women);…WHY ARE YOU SO SILENT???….

Opinion / comment written by T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, a (now) Homeless American, as I accompany my (Uncle (Sam) in search of a place (for us) to call “HOME”.



***As reported in story, further below;…....***A recent trend among transgender women is claiming that they are better than real women and shaming biological women for not truly understanding what it means to be a woman.

***Some trans women insist they can get a period and experience PMS, and others have taken to social media to insist that their plastic surgery-made vaginas are superior to natural ones.
***One TikTok user had the audacity to compare his man-made plastic vagina to a designer bag, and a biological woman’s reproductive system to a paper bag.(see story below);…
Commentary / Opinion;…How could “N.O.W.” think that they can support both Women, and “Men who want to be Women”?? You are in a Quandary of your own “Politically Correct” wrongdoing!! You cannot support those who are women, in a Sincere and Honest way, and (also) support those who pretend to be Women, and they (Trans??)-who Openly Condemn the Natural Woman.
…I want to see if you are Sincere in your “Support for Woman”….Fore you really do have to pick-a-side, if you wish to maintain any degree of Integrity!!
***Do you know that there is NO Medical or Science foundation that supports what we call Trans genders or gender identity individuals??…***No Medical “Costuming”, or “Drug-Taking” can / or will ever make a Man become a Women or a Woman become a Man!!!
The Medical, Scientific “Society”, as well, I believe, which includes, the American Medical Association embraces the following definition;…. gender identity is a (sense of themselves as male or female)…
I believe that means that Regardless of the Miracle of Birth, by the Science of Nature, our American Scientist(s), and Medical Society are saying that ...“If you feel like a Women you are a Woman” ???..!!!….Where is the Science or Intellectual Foundation in that absurd statement???
…Is the N.O.W. Organization saying that Men who pretend to be Women, also understand all the strife and Discrimination Women have gone through to be Recognized,…as Women???
…When a Wanna-be-“Trans”, says that he is better then a real Woman, and N.O.W. remains Silent,…we have to ask,…who are you Scared of ???
VIDEO  Riley Gaines is a great swimmer. But she’s also a courageous speaker. Watch as she speaks out against the NCAA’s policy which allows biological men to dominate women’s sports.  SHARE



Is there a legal definition of gender?..…..There is no one legal definition of gender around the world. However, there are a number of definitions that are used in different jurisdictions…


One common definition of gender is based on the sex assigned at birth. This definition is used in many jurisdictions around the world, including in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. 

Under this definition, gender is determined by a person’s sex chromosomes (XX for females and XY for males), sex hormones, and external genitalia._____________________________

What is the scientific definition of a woman?

The scientific definition of a woman is a member of the sex that can produce offspring. A woman is typically defined as someone who has a vagina and XX chromosomes. This definition excludes transgender and gender non-conforming individuals._________________________________________________________________

What is the Oxford definition of woman?

The Oxford dictionary defines woman as “a female human being.” The definition is quite simple, but there is a lot of meaning behind it.

(Excerpt from “NOW” website)– “Who we Are”….(Mission statement??)

N.O.W.’s actions have established the organization as a major force in the sweeping changes that put more women in political posts; increased educational, employment and business opportunities for women; and enacted tougher laws against violence, harassment and discrimination.
N.O.W. is an intersectional, multi-issue, multi-strategy organization that takes a holistic approach to women’s rights. Our official priorities are winning economic equality and securing it with an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will guarantee equal rights for women; championing abortion rights, reproductive justice along with other women’s health issues; opposing racism; fighting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in all areas, including employment, housing, health services, and child custody; and ending violence against all women, no matter race, age, or socio-economic class.

2019 National N.O.W. Conference Resolutions

LBGTQIA+ INCLUSION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, LGBTQIA+ rights are one of the National Organization for Women’s (NOW) six core issues; and WHEREAS, transgender people are being erased from acknowledgment of the government; and WHEREAS, the LGBTQIA+ community has had difficulties being included on the agenda of NOW;….
…. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that at least 15 percent of the issue-focused workshops at NOW conferences will be LGBTQIA+ focused with at least one of those workshops addressing transgender issues; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, conference workshops not specifically focused on LGBTQIA+ issues must include an LGBTQIA+ lens.



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WATCH: Trans Woman Tells Biological Women Trans Women are the “Real Women”… Her Reason Will Make You Laugh ’til You Cry! [VIDEO]

By Amber Crawford | Feb 2, 2023

A recent trend among transgender women is claiming that they are better than real women and shaming biological women for not truly understanding what it means to be a woman.
Some trans women insist they can get a period and experience PMS, and others have taken to social media to insist that their plastic surgery-made vaginas are superior to natural ones.
One TikTok user had the audacity to compare his man-made plastic vagina to a designer bag, and a biological woman’s reproductive system to a paper bag.
Happy Wednesday.
Here is a male telling females that our anatomy is garbage compared to man-made “vaginas” 🙃
— Dr. Sydney Watson (@SydneyLWatson) January 18, 2023
As if this wasn’t degrading enough to women, a recent video released by Libs of TikTok shows a trans woman telling biological women that they aren’t “real women” because they didn’t have to work as hard to be one.
A transgender TikTok user named Nora posted a video saying that ‘she’ is “tired of TERFs (transgender-exclusionary radical feminists) making a mockery of real women.”
Note, by “real women,” Nora means “trans women.”
“Oh, what you were born with ovaries? You bleed every month? You have XX chromosomes?” he scoffed. “Yeah, that’s cute.”
“Tell me what other external factor that doesn’t apply to all of you defines you,” continued Nora. “And at the end of the day, you’re out here thinking that trans women are making a mockery of you when it’s the exact opposite.”
He continued on his angry rant, telling all biological females that they are “pretending” to know they are a woman and arguing that “the only people here who know that for sure are the ones who have put in the work to understand themselves… the trans women.”
Making a completely baseless statement, Nora added, “You have put zero work into actually understanding yourself. You are only a woman because everybody else around you looked at the same external factors that you look at and said ‘hmm seems like woman behavior to me.’ ”
The TikToker again insists that real, biological women are “making a mockery of womanhood” because they “do not fully understand what makes [them] a woman.”
“I don’t even identify as a woman and I’m more of a woman than you,” said Nora.
Trans women are the real women because they put in more work to be women.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 2, 2023
In another video, a commenter called Nora out for offending women and said, “If you are gonna imitate us at least have respect for the gender you are trying to imitate.”
Nora had another arsenal of offensive comments he was ready to throw out. He said (speaking to all biological females), “Ya’ll suck, I’m not trying to imitate you.”
“I don’t want to be anything like you, you suck.”
As a biological female, I find this growing anti-biological female rhetoric to be incredibly offensive and narcissistic. To think that by taking hormones, growing out your hair for a year or two, and dressing up, you have a deeper understanding than everyone else of what it means to be “female” is laughable.
Women have always had to work hard to meet certain beauty and societal standards, and to suggest that they don’t have to put in any work is ignorant. Biological women have periods, they have female reproductive organs, and they are able to bear children. After fighting so hard for women’s rights and equality in this country, it is mindblowing that our society now cheers on men who take over the female space and insist that they are better at being a woman than real women.
Opinion / comment written by T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, a (now) Homeless American, as I accompany my (Uncle (Sam) in search of a place (for us) to call “HOME”.
  1. National Organization for Women | History, Goals, & Facts…
    National Organization for Women (NOW), American activist organization (founded 1966) that promotes equal rights for women. It is the largest feminist group in the United States, with some 500,000 members in the early 21st century. The National Organization for Women was established by a small group of feminists who were dedicated to actively challenging sex discrimination in all areas of American society.
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