The Daily Mail reports:Brick by brick, the demolition job has begun: since taking office less
than a year ago, Donald Trump has launched an all-out assault on the legacy of
Barack Obama.
What a wonderful lede. Life is good! Climate, free trade, health care, immigration, foreign policy — the
45th US president has set about undoing just about everything done by the 44th.
Great news! What is NOT to like? All new presidents, of course, break with their predecessor once in the
Oval Office, especially if they come from a rival political party. But what is striking is how systematic the hammer blows to Obama’s
legacy have been.
That’s because the vast majority of working Americans hated what President Obama did to this country. His legacy was an exercise in self-love and self-worship. We the People wanted a break from Big Government and Big Business backing each other up at the expense of everyone else.
Those days are now over, and all of Obama’s push for special interest financing is gone. And rather than throw his weight behind new policies or projects, Trump
has shown a willful desire to unpick, shred and erase everything his
predecessor accomplished.
We want President Trump to make American great again, do we not? There is no better way to ensure a better America than getting rid of all traces of Barry Soetero’s destructive transformative effects on the United States! It’s worth noting that each time he buries one of the reforms of the
man who sat before him at the “Resolute desk,” Trump sounds more like
a candidate than a president.
Trump is candid, and that is all that counts. The Trans-Pacific Partnership? Within days of taking office, Trump
signed an order pulling America out of the free trade accord, the fruit of
eight years of negotiations between 12 Asia-Pacific countries, from Chile to
Canada and Japan.
The TPP sucked. It should have never been proposed in the first place. Shame on globalist Obama. To our credit, even Berniecrats recognized the danger of this massive bureaucratic deal gone wrong. The Paris climate accord? Obama played a leading role in attaining that
milestone in the effort to combat global warming. Trump pulled out of the agreement signed by 195 countries, claiming
that it “punishes the United States” and declaring: “I was
elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”
Yes. The Climate Accord would have wreaked economic discord on the entire country. Who needs that?! What about Obamacare, the signature legislative achievement of Obama’s
first term? After trying in vain to get Congress to repeal it, Trump is now
working to bring about its collapse through the regulatory process.
I am so glad that Obamacare is going down in flames. Whatever the President can do to pull the plug, I welcome the effort. And the Iranian nuclear accord? The bid to prevent Tehran from
developing a nuclear weapon in return for a lifting of sanctions more than any
other bore came to represent Obama’s approach to world affairs.
The President will not certify, but he has urged Congress to fix this problem, just like with the the DACA situation. I say let the whole Iran deal elapse and live it at that.”This deal will have my name on it,” the Democratic president
said shortly before it was concluded. “Nobody has a bigger personal stake
in making sure that it delivers on its promise.”
And now Barry’s name has been dragged through the mud all the more. Obama’s pride has undermined whatever legacy he was hoping to leave. The sheer arrogance of this decrepit little man is incredible, a marvel to behold for its sheer idiocy. While Trump has stopped short of tearing up the Iran deal, as he
threatened on the campaign trail, on Friday he warned he could do so “at
any time,” raising doubts about the fate of an accord born of years of
painstaking diplomacy.
He will have no choice but to tear it up very soon, since there is no interest from a radical Islamic state to comply with this deal,
– A break at any price -How to explain the fixation on destroying Obama’s legacy at all cost?
It’s not a fixation. It’s a natural response to undoing damage done for eight years because of the terrible previous president. Anyone seeking to Make America Great Again will do so by undoing all the undoing of the Obama Administration. Trump has held high his determination to fulfill his campaign promises,
and give form to a simple slogan: “America First.”
And for Barry, it was America Second or “No America At All.” No one should be surprised that the President is undermining the crap and corruption of the Obama Administration. And his team recalls, with reason, that Obama acted by decree many
times when thwarted by Congress. What has been decided by the stroke of a pen
can be undone by the stroke of a pen.’
Exactly. Obama’s legacy was built on sand! Historian Jeffrey Engel, however, sees no equivalent in recent decades
to Trump’s systematic application of the simple principle that “if the
other guy liked it, it must be bad.”To Engel, the explanation is that Trump’s electoral base “never
accepted fully Barack Obama as their president.”
No, we simply hated everything that Obama did to this country. Of course we refused to accept him! He hated this country. He shamed the values on which this country is built.”There was a move among Obama’s opponents to delegitimize him and
to say that this man is not really president and consequently anything that he
did, Trump’s base is ready to get rid of,” said Engel, who heads Southern
Methodist University’s center for presidential history in Dallas, Texas. A notable fact: Obama has until now remained largely silent as his
legacy is demolished. American tradition, which is generally respected, holds that a former
president should remain above the fray. But, in thinking about his place in history, Obama is also playing the
patience card.”I think that Obama understands that his legacy ultimately will be
defined by how America reacts to Trump in the long term and how Trump’s
successors act,” said Engel.
And they will be more than happy to confine Obama’s history to the ash-heap of history. On November 7, 2016, on the eve of the US elections, Obama warned
voters “it all goes out the window” if they were to send Trump to the
White House. That attempt to rally Democratic voters now seems prophetic.

Amen! All my dreams are coming true!

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