Dave Rubin is a fake conservative. He’s also quite a hypocrite.

For someone who champions freedom of speech, he just blocked me, cut me off without a debate.

Sure, he no longer works for “The Young Turks,” but he is still a liberal, and he is corrupting the conservative cause.


He is openly homosexual, and he advertises his decision to abuse his body in that fashion.

He has recently announced that he and his fake partner were getting children via surrogacy. Let’s call it what is it: child-trafficking.

Two homosexual men wanting to please themselves, wanting to play parent, are taking two children from their natural parents.

And they call themselves conservative, and they call themselves the new face, the new wave of the conservative movement.

I don’t think so.

I have called him and the other gay “CON-Servatives” about showcasing their sexual perversion all while claiming to fight for the best interests of children.

It’s simply not true. When selfish adults want to showcase their brokenness–mental, emotional, physical, sexual–and then ruin a child’s life and hampering the growth and development of those children, you do not have conservatives.

We need to confront this madness. We need to stop celebrating this latest iteration of identity politics “diversity.” If conservatives want to win the culture war, the solution is found in standing for truth and pushing back on the cultural marxist forces undermining our society.

You can’t fight for kids when you insist on depriving them of their deepest needs, and Dave Rubin is a key example of this self-serving “CON-servative” grift.

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