And this latest protest is a big reason why pro-family activists keep losing against the Left.

First, watch the video below:


Notice how the protesters who don’t want men in women’s facilities are constantly apologizing.

“We don’t have anything against transgenders. If a man wants to wear a dress, that’s OK. We are fine with that.”

No, it’s NOT OK! It’s a mental illness, a sickness, a delusion!

There is a growing body of research and clinical evidence which confirms that men who dress up, who pretend to be women engage in the practice for the sexual charge they get out of it. Indeed, it is sexual deviant behavior. It is an outright lie that a man can pretend to be a woman, and vice versa.

The fact that these adults, who claim to care about kids, are committed to keeping males out of female spaces only as a matter of “Safety” shows that they are already kowtowed to the fundamental lie.

The pro-family movement will never win as long as it insists on avoiding the direct, uncompromising truth.

Men cannot become women. Transwomen are men. In fact, there is no such thing as a “Transwoman,” because what that individual really is … is a mentally ill man.

Transgenderism is a mental illness. Transgenderism is an evil lie. Transgenderism is a corrosive fraud, and on top of that this perverse cult allows other perverse people to harm others.

If you cannot stand for truth, why should anyone respect you when you want to protect women and girls from predators, too?

Canadians, if you want to stop creepy men in dresses from invading women’s spaces, you have to say the obvious: they are men, and they are wrong, and evil for pretending to be women.

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