
Why Are Conservatives Silencing Conservatives?


By: Rohini DeSilva, Esq, December 19, 2023


Many Conservatives are constantly apologizing for their beliefs and silencing their friends in order to accommodate the hurt feelings of Democrats.  But Democrats who call themselves Christians have no problem speaking out and offending Conservatives by trying to silence them.  It is only Christians who are Conservatives who must apologize and then remain silent.  … Why?


Perhaps the goal is to spend years gently coaxing the Democrat to realize that his position is wrong? Perhaps we are leaving “the ninety and nine in the wilderness, to go after that which is lost, until he find it?”  But Our Lord Jesus also said And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. And  “Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.”

The Bible does not talk of apologizing for our Christian beliefs. It calls on us to confront the unbeliever and provides an escalating system of confrontation: If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.  But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’  If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.


The Bible shows a great deal of awareness that we must not tolerate a wrongdoer to the point that he is allowed to harm the rest of us.  Apostle Paul said:  “If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of that person and do not associate with him, so that he will be put to shame.”  And again:  “Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.”

Christians are now being persecuted globally.  The world is on the brink of a world war.  Listen to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Alex Jones where both of them talk of what a dire state our Country is in; because of what Democrats are doing to it.

We have to recognize the Democrat/Communists are in an all-out war against us here in America, enriching themselves by selling off our assets to foreign oligarchs and criminals; essentially committing treason against America and Americans:  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

We are unable to confront evil because we have a major problem with the word ‘Politics.’  Christians, particularly their Pastors, run away when any issue is defined as ‘Politics” like Dracula runs away from the Cross!  Lyndon Johnson said he would sic the IRS after any church which preached ‘Politics.’ He meant any Conservative church that preached against Democrats.  He had no problem with churches who supported Democrats.  This was a brilliant trick played against us.   By defining everything as ‘Politics,’ the Democrats have been able to silence Christians altogether.   My question has always been “Name any Political issue on which we must remain silent; which is not also a Moral Issue on which we must speak out?” 


If there isn’t, then we must speak out on all issues – abortion and murdering children up to the point of birth; transgenderism, cutting off our children’s genitals and denying them the right to have sex and procreate; murdering people using Covid and the Vaccines; importing Fentanyl and other drugs which also murder people; deliberately impoverishing our country by shutting off all oil exploration; and exporting our manufacturing and our jobs; deliberately releasing criminals from prisons so they can return to the community to commit more crimes; deliberately destabilizing our country by importing over 10 million foreigners who do not share our American values and cultural mores, who will never assimilate and who will wage war against us; … the list of satanic things Democrats support;  every one of which violates not only our Constitution but also our Christian beliefs; is endless.  As Eric Metaxas says our churches cannot remain silent like the German Churches did when Hitler came into power.  They need to speak out: “Faith Without Action is Not Faith.”


Would you expect American troops to apologize to the Nazis while we were fighting World War II?  On would you ever support a Football team whose players apologized to the opponents for tackling them?  So why are you opposing and shushing the Conservatives when they speak out against Democrats? 


A fair question to ask any Democrat is to ask him to explain what he admires about today’s Democrats that makes him support them. This way, we could have a dialogue, and understand and respect him.  If he wont/can’t answer; but resorts to playing the victim card; then we know we will never convert him, and we should quit trying.  


In America, we are losing power and we need to give all our support to those who are fighting on our behalf. We simply do not have time to be mollycoddling a single Democrat at the expense of the rest of us Christians.


We are in imminent danger.  How else can you explain Gov Newsom magically cleaning up San Francisco; and all our politicians cheering and praising Communist President Xi Jinping like he were the Dictator who has already  conquered America? And why our Media and our Pastors all staying silent about this?  How do you explain that the vast majority of Americans now support Hamas Terrorists as they chant “from the River to the Sea” wanting to exterminate God’s chosen people, the Jews?   Obviously, leaving the 99 in the wilderness, and allowing the beasts of prey to prey on them, is not what Jesus meant. 


We are failing to consider the psychological effect of our behavior on our fellow Christians.  Only a very few Christians are able to stand alone and yet stand strong.  The vast majority are weak and need leadership and support.  They themselves are lost. They believe their corrupt lying Media as though they were preaching the Gospels.  Their Pastors do not support them or teach them how to stand up for their beliefs, to ‘ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Instead, their Pastors hide from current events.  So, their congregants fall by the wayside.  We must understand that because we are so oppressed and get so dispirited by so many attacks against us from so many sides; many of us are leaving the church, never supporting our politicians and even refusing to vote.  As a consequence, we are in a downward spiral, losing elections and subjecting ourselves to even more oppression.


This country has gone from being a wonderful, successful, Christian country; to one in which Christians are a minority, being persecuted for their religious and political beliefs, and where their economy is teetering on collapse.  We are failing to recognize that we are in a war, where our enemies, the roaring lions who are the Democrat/Communists, are doing all they can to defeat us.  We are now unable to speak out in any public square, not in schools, not in public places and definitely not in universities. We are discriminated against in getting jobs – How many new teachers are practicing Christians? How many practicing Christians are getting promotions in government jobs? In the military? Or hired or promoted in Corporations & Social Media companies? In Hollywood?  The public schools and universities are separating and isolating our children from us and then indoctrinating our children to become LGBT Communists and vote Democrat.  Our government is working with Social Media to bankrupt, silence and censor us.  Our government is spying on every Christian, calling them “Domestic Terrorists.”  Vast numbers of Christians are being targeted, arrested by the FBI and put in jail without trial.  Our system of laws; the finest in the world and the source of our prosperity; has been destroyed.  Separate systems of draconian laws and punishments are being applied against Christians and Conservatives. 


Everybody now knows the whole J6 “Insurrection” was a fake, planned by Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats to try to defeat the Republicans, particularly President Trump. [of-federal-operatives-who-infiltrated-the-trump-crowds-on-january-6th-at-the-us-capitol]January 6th was a highly coordinated and planned intelligence operation run by the US government against the people of the United States.  They deliberately refused to have the 20,000 National Guard troops President Trump offered.  The FBI arranged for their paid Antifa and BLM thugs to dress like Trump supporters and infiltrate the J6 crowds, while Capitol Police shot explosive projectiles down at the crowd and created a riot. Pelosi’s daughter was filming the whole thing and admitted they all knew it was a set up.   Watch the Epoch Times’ brilliant documentary “The Real Story of January 6th


Yet corrupt Democrat Prosecutors and Judges, knowing Jan 6th was a fake; that no Trump supporter carried any weapons; that the 4 who were killed that day were Trump supporters; are acting like the “Insurrection” was real. Trump himself is being charged with over 170 counts in 5 States maliciously targeted to disrupt his election campaign.  He has just been taken off the ballot in Colorado. A great many of his supporters;  over 40 of his attorneys and over 1000 ordinary people who attended the J6 Rally have also been charged, arrested or jailed. Rudy Giuliani was just convicted and had a $175 million penalty assessed against him for challenging the 2020 election. The Democrats held two years of J6 Hearings and provided Democrat Prosecutors & Judges with ‘evidence’ with which to convict the J6 Rally goers.  Now it turns out they hid or deleted all the exculpatory evidence.  They are so powerful and their pressure is so strong, that even after Republicans won the House, they are still unable to expose all the 40,000 hours of evidence that is still available.  All this is proof of the massive oppression of the few Conservatives left. 


Conclusion:  We simply do not have the right to silence and oppress the few remaining Conservatives for the benefit of those Democrats who are going to commit treason and who are deliberately going to vote to keep our Demonic oppressors in power against us.


Good Luck, God Bless

And Wishing You A Very Happy Christmas



Rohini DeSilva, Esq

December 19, 2023

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