Wyoming MassResistance has been making the difference in Campbell County, WY.

It’s understandable that left-wing miscreants and the general pro-LGBT public is going to be angry.

There are lots of creepy people in the world, and many of them love the idea of pushing pornography and perversion onto children, all under the guise of “First Amendment Rights.”

Of course, there is no First Amendment right to corrupt a minor. There are proper restrictions placed on pushing pornography and prurient materials into the public square without any safeguards or limitations.

But don’t tell any of this to Tex McBride:

Mr. McBride is the new wannabe resident trouble-maker in Campbell County, WY.

He has a problem with mothers and fathers who want to protect children.

He does not like elected officials who speak up for what is right.

He has been reported as a well-known contact with disgraced former Campbell County Commissioner Rusty “Ding Dong” Bell, the same flabby commissioner who was determined to shame and defame MassResistance while also going after good library board members. What was the “crime” of the two library board members whom Rusty targeted? They were in a chat group run by Wyoming MassResistance activists.

But that’s not the worst of it for Mixed-Up Tex.

He also harassed Commissioner Del Shelstad. He met with one of the biggest LGBT groomers in Wyoming, Sara Burlingame, and they plotted what was the best way to “get” Shelstad! The commissioner did not take these threats lightly.

Don’t believe me? Here’s the proof:

And Shelstad was right to be concerned.

Tex McBride is a violent, abusive bully with a long history of harassing residents in Campbell County, especially in the public meetings.

Residents have shared the following out Tex McBride:

  1. He talks out of turn at meetings.
  2. He heckles and interrupts people who want to defend children and get rid of perversion from the local library.
  3. He flips people off at meetings.
  4. He kicks chairs to startle people
  5. He routinely insults and intimidates people. If he had any kind of legal training or degree, he would be a hairier, dirtier version of resident atheist Bruce Williams.

And does Hateful Tex engage in all this childish destruction?

Because he wants to pushing pornography, perversion, and predatory material on children, pure and simple.

What kind of devient pervert would fight to harm children like this? Tex McBride

What kind of creep would fight to shut down public meetings and stop parents from speaking out? Tex McBride

What kind of pervert should Campbell County residents steer clear of? Tex McBride

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