
The Republican establishment in Washington has decided to abandon conservative Judge Roy Moore (R-AL) in the December 12th special election for U.S. Senate in Alabama.

Despite saying for years that all they want to do is elect more Republicans, Senator Mitch McConnell and his cronies have decided to stay out of the Alabama Senate race.

Senator McConnell’s super PAC and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce both announced that they have no plans to spend money helping Judge Roy Moore defeat his Democrat opponent.

After spending millions attacking Moore in the Republican primary, they are now refusing to lift a finger to help him!

Please help Roy Moore win this critical race by making a contribution to his grassroots, anti-establishment campaign.

The GOP alligators in the DC swamp are actually rooting against Roy Moore. Karl Rove recently wrote a column for the Wall Street Journalarguing that conservatives are unelectable and predicting that the Alabama special election this December will prove it.

All of this is further proof that the GOP establishment does not care about electing a Republican majority to the Senate. They only care about electing more pro-establishment senators who support Mitch McConnell’s failed leadership.

The Alabama Senate race is far from over and Judge Roy Moore needs our help to win it.

Recent polls have shown Moore with a single-digit lead, but he’s not getting support from party leaders and his opponent is on TV all by himself. If we don’t take action to help him get his message out, he could lose this race.

Please make a contribution to Roy Moore’s campaign today.

We need the grassroots – freedom-loving Americans from across the country – to come together to help raise $250,000 for his campaign as soon as possible. We can do it, but we need your help!

Your support will help Roy Moore defeat Doug Jones, an ultra-liberal Democrat who supports Obamacare, amnesty for illegal immigrants, federally-controlled education, job-killing regulations, and taxpayer funding for abortion up until birth.

Your support will also help elect a rock-solid conservative who isn’t afraid to stand up to Mitch McConnell and the other RINOs in the Senate who are blocking a conservative agenda.

Please help us by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more today. This is a race conservatives must win.

Thank you for doing so much to support conservative leadership in Washington. Together, we will drain the swamp!


Ken Cuccinelli II
President, Senate Conservatives Fund

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