Donna Marzullo denounces

President Obama’s “If you like, then you can keep” Promise:
“That just wasn’t true!”Donna Marzullo of Deering, New Hampshire also lost her health insurance because of Obamacare.
Along with Julie Boonstra of Michigan and Emilie Lamb of Tennesee, Ms. Murzullo is not afraid to take her story to the airwaves.
At least her Congresswoman, Annie Kuster, has not tried to intimidate her and New Hampshire television stations from telling the truth about her plight.
Congresswoman Kuster has just as much to worry about as does President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
New Hampshire is the most swing of swing states, one where the Republicans took both House seats in 2010, then lost them to Democrats in 2012, and the Democrats may lose them again in 2014. A state which Bush won in 2000, the state has trended Democratic in Presidential elections, yet elected a Republican US Senator, Kelly Ayotte, in 2010 as well.
Ms. Marzullo’s plan was one among 22,000 plans cancelled throughout New Hampshire.
On top of that, she’s worried that she may lose her doctor, too, along with the hospital of her choice. Her complaint about losing her hospital is a very real concern, one which the mainstream media has all but ignored. Private hospitals are refusing Obamacare insurance, for example, while local clinics are rationing their human and material resources, if they even manage to stay open in spite of the red tape, regulatory burdens, and unconscionable costs associated with Obamacare.

Marzullo repeated the lie, that President Obama promised that under the Affordable Care Act, if Americans liked their health insurance or their doctor, they could keep them:
“That just wasn’t true.”
Ms. Marzullo could not have put it better.
Yet what did Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid say on the floor of the US Senate?
“Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.”
Wrong, Senator Reid. Wrong.
What about Donna’s story, Senator Reid?
What about Donna, Congressman Annie Kuster?
Democratic lawmakers throughout the country cannot run away from Obamacare. They want to plead their willingness to reform the law, yet every time that Republican majority sought to repeal the law, most Democrats resisted the effort. During the 2013 government shutdown, House members tried to pass delays on the individual mandate, or require that members of Congress enroll under the same plans. Democrats in the House joined with these Republican reforms, including Tammy Duckworth (Illinois) and Raul Ruiz (California).
No matter what Democrats running for office may say this election year, they cannot claim that they did not foresee the disastrous consequences of passing Obamacare, and they cannot claim that they were willing to work with their colleagues in Washington to reform, amend, or even repeal Obamacare.
So, what about Donna’s story, Senator Reid? Are you calling her a liar, too?

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