West Virginia MassResistance team in Parkersburg Taking on Local Libraries and Schools

Pornographic books made readily available for children, Activists Alert Prosecutor

Massive Effort to Stop Passage of Tax Levies in the November Election

In a previous post, MassResistance shared with readers how our West Virginia Chapter is taking on drag queens and drag shows around Parkersburg, WV and the surrounding Wood County region.

Now we want to share with you the efforts of our Parkersburg team to expose the perverse, obscene books in the local libraries and schools.

On top of that, we will share with you how staff at the schools and the libraries attacked the parents instead of respecting their wishes and making every effort to protect the students.

Parkersburg Libraries

There are four branch libraries in the Parkersburg-Wood County Library system. A number of parents in the community have filed serious complaints against these books, and they have spoken out in the library board meetings, demanding that the books be removed.

In each of the links below, you will find the books that they want removed, and their full complaints:

Rumble, by Ellen Hopkins

More Happy Than Not

Gender Queer

Instead of heading the concerns of the parents, the Parkersburg-Wood County Library Director Brian Raitz mocked the parents and dismissed their concerns in an Op-Ed in the local paper.

Wood County Library Director
Brian Raitz

Here are key remarks exposing his abusive snark and shameful attitude toward the parents, as well as rampant disregard for the well-being of children:

To begin with, several people came to the board meeting upset about a certain book: “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe. I was unaware at first of the purpose of their attendance at the board meeting. They asked about the library, funding, and management. I went over a brief history of the library and its funding resources. It was later that we heard about the book at the heart of the visit.

The book in question is a graphical autobiography of someone’s life growing up with gender identification issues. The issue with this book is a couple of frames with graphic portrayal of a sexual nature that offended those in the room. It offended most, but not all, and this may be the heart of the issue.

Here’s a sample of some of the “graphic portrayal of a sexual nature” that many people find not just offensive but patently obscene:

Here, the girl is drawn to look convincingly like a teen boy while her sister persuades her to taste her vaginal fluid.

The mental illness in the LGBT “community” is understandable after seeing all this – clearly written by an “insider” to that sordid lifestyle.

Despite his so-called professionalism as a library director, he is clearly more interested in pushing perversion on children, all under the guise of “Freedom of Speech.”

And there’s more from his editorial which cannot be overlooked:

Libraries are not safe repositories of a past or present that is inoffensive to everyone. Public libraries are wild and wonderful places to explore the world and our community together through the past, the present, and the future. The past is there in older materials in the collection that sometimes become less relevant, or other times may give us a window into who we were, such as genealogy and local history.

Public libraries are also a reflection of the interests of everyone in the community now, and a glimpse of where those interests are going. Anyone that spends time in a public library will soon run into materials and people that challenge, disturb, and offend them. We are a broad spectrum of people in our community, and to meet the needs and desires of everyone, this challenging and uncomfortable part of public libraries is inevitable.

Hiding behind the usual verbiage for “diversity, equity, inclusion, hard topics, tough issues,” Raitz completely covers up the fact that he is promoting and pushing pornography in the library. The issue is not about tough ideas or difficult issues. The problem is that these books are filled with abject, obscene, perverse images appealing to prurient interest, without any redeeming social value whatsoever.

There is no excuse for Raitz trying to cover up what a sick man he is, to allow such garbage to pushed on kids, and not just through the public libraries but the public schools, as well!

And speaking of the schools, Parkersburg residents have filed numerous complaints with the local schools, pointing out the availability of these obscene, pornographic books violates the city ordinances against obscenity!

Michael Erb, Communications Coordinator

Instead of respecting the will of the parents and removing the books from school circulation, Wood County School District Communications Coordinator Michael Erb complained to the local press, and they published another editorial, once again mocking the good people who are fighting to protect the community’s children.

Here are some of the more offensive excerpts from the editorial:

You know the accusation that protesters and crisis actors are ferried around the country to perform as the need changes? Doesn’t matter what the cause du jour, these folks are there to stir the pot. 

You might know them from their railing against masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, or their actions in Washington, D.C., on and around Jan. 6, 2021. Maybe you remember them from their fight against the phantom they created and named “Critical Race Theory.” Now the enemy is books.

You’ll hear them say the target is books about sexuality and gender issues, but a look at the list they’d like to ban in our schools and libraries reveals the aim is broader than that.

Instead of respecting their cause, the editorial merely mocks the parents, painting them as a bunch of out-of-touch busybodies looking to cause trouble. The troubles would have never visited the community of the library and the school district had the decency to remove the indecent, obscene books from the local libraries in the first place!

The parents have complained to the school board that the communications directory has broken the law, since he did not forward the complaints to the principal, who in turn would have removed the books and reviewed them for a final decision to keep them or get rid of them.

In spite of local efforts to frustrate the parents and protect these terrible books, one of the activists in Parkersburg has taken the bold step of filing complaints with the country district attorney. The good news is that unlike most district attorneys, this one is willing to follow up and find out how he can stop the perverse indoctrination of the children in Wood County.

Here’s the email to the County Attorney:

Mr. Lefebure,

My apologies for the delayed response.  I’ve had family health situations, and out of town work demanding my time.   

Thank you again for the reply.  I (and many others) would like to know if any of the parties (Shriners, performers, or parents) violated any law/code/ordinance etc.  The sections of code I previously mentioned may have been violated, but I defer to your expertise on this determination and any other possible violations.  To most people, it would seem this event and actions could not be legally permitted.  

Since that time, we’ve also discovered what appears to be multiple violations of the City of Parkersburg Ordinance 517.02 (attached) by the Parkersburg and Wood County Library for knowingly displaying and distributing obscene matter to minors through what could be considered “child porn” books in the libraries.  A number of people attended a Library Board meeting where the Library Director, Brian Raitz, admitted he had no problem with distributing this to children.  There are a number of witnesses that would testify.   See also his attached op-ed that appeared in the local newspaper.  

What’s most troubling is that these books that show graphic sexual illustrations, including incest and perverse acts involving minors, are available to every student in Wood County Schools through their libraries without parental supervision or approval.  Attached is a spreadsheet verifying some of these statements.  There is more evidence available.  

Between sexually insinuating drag shows for children and child porn books in our libraries, some very sick people are hyper sexualizing children in a grooming fashion for very disturbing purposes.  If there’s not a violation of law, then it should be.  

Please join me and many others in protecting the children of Wood County.  These children just need to be left alone from indoctrination and left to be kids.  

Thank you again, and I’d be happy to talk and meet to discuss further.  


The Parkersburg team is kicking butt! They are not backing down from the fight to do what is best for the county and the families living there. They hope not only to expose the terrible shenanigans of the local schools and libraries, but they want to convince the voters to reject two levies on the November ballot. Both of the ballot initiatives, if they pass, will secure continued funding for the libraries and more funding for the schools.

Why should anyone put up their hard-earned money for public institutions which mock parents and want to harm children? Any library which insists on pushing pornography and LGBT indoctrination into children deserves to be defunded. Any school districts which refuses to respect the outrage of parents and instead finds ways to mock them does not deserve their money, either.

In a next post, we will discuss the desperate attempts by the library system and the school district to raise more money, despite their terrible record of service. We will also share with you an update from the district attorney and his investigations into the drag queen performances as well as the public schools and libraries.

Email: arthur@massresistance.org

Cell: (781) 474-3005

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