raison d’etre very soon.
Sure, the Los Angeles
Times just reported that Trump is ahead of Cruz (by one percentage point).
The liberal democratic version of Pravda also
predicts that Trump’s ascendancy will fracture the state party and drag down
the national GOP ticket. Of course, the elite liberal media has acquired the
same credibility as the National
Enquirer, and rarely reports what is really going on. Besides, fewer people
seem to care what the LA Times writes

In case you have not read, registered Democrats are
disgusted with their party. A Torrance, CA homeowner (by way of Venice, CA,
which indicates how liberal he is) confronted the Democratic Party leadership:
“What have you done to help the working poor?” The caustic yet accurate answer
would be: “Make them poorer!” or “Keep them poor!” Other Democrats, the ones
who vote that way because their parents did, have seen the
progressive-socialist phalanx leave them in the dust, and with greater national
debt and fewer opportunities for their kids.
With legalized-theft Bernie Sanders at the top of the
Democratic ticket, you can be certain that anyone who works for a living, owns
property, or who traded a third-world dictatorship for American citizenship is
going to vote Republican.
Sanders has already been accused of covering up the
misconduct, corruption, and incompetence of the Veterans Administration. He’s a
gun nut, who cannot outrun his pro-Second Amendment record. How is Bloomberg
going to hijack city councils throughout the country under Sander’s bid for
President? That’s another win for the conservatives right there.
The DNC’s outrageous disregard for life and marriage, plus
the intense dedication to champagne socialism at the expense of the lunch box
base of their party, is eroding Democratic registration numbers. Democrat
voters are not just voting Republican, even in California, but they are
registering that way.
Sanders and Clinton, campaigning on desiccated, white,
eurotrash ideologies will toss their party into the ash-heap of political
history. Weekend at Bernie’s latest victories should send shivers up the
Democratic Party Establishment’s spines—if they had any.
What a great weekend it was!

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