We The People Rising http://wethepeoplerising. comEMAILrobinhvidston@wethepeoplerising. com
or rhvidston1@yahoo. comEmail not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Pro Illegal Rep Lou Correa Open House(former seat of Rep Loretta Sanchez)Santa Ana, CA 6/19/17 Report by Robin Hvidston
Pro Illegal Rep Lou Correa staged a public meeting before his open house. He did not begin the public meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. During the reception, citizens requested that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited. He refused so CITIZENS REBELLED & SAID THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE! https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=fjM2D2kFukk
Citizen Lobbyists and Trump Supporters @ Pro Illegal & Anti Trump Rep Lou Correa’s Open House. Rep Lou Correa is demanding that the new White House provide a Spanish translation on the White House website.
According to the LA Times, “Correa has filed legislation to require the White House and all federal agencies to provide a Spanish language version of their sites.” He said the bill could be expanded to include other languages.
http://california-mexicocenter. org/with-spanish-still-missing-from-the-white-house-website-rep-lou-correa-pushes-for-spanish-language-government-websites/Rep Lou Correa held a public meeting honoring a World War II veteran before the open house.
Rep Correa is a member of the open border Congressional Hispanic Caucus. In May, Rep Lou Correa held a town hall to educate illegal aliens on how NOT to respond to Immigration Customs & Enforcement: ICE. Below is a flyer that Rep Lou Correa posted on his Twitter page after his immigration town hall. After the open house, enjoying a meal at nearby Polly’s Pies. CONTACT INFO FOR REP LOU CORREA
https://correa. house. gov/202-225-2965https://twitter. com/reploucorrea
https://www. facebook. com/RepLouCorrea/

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