th District constituents. He
not appealed to their concerns on life and family, but he has fought for those
Frankly, it’s time that more conservatives took up that fundamental religious
liberty fight. President Ronald Reagan ran on a platform of restoring prayer in
public schools in 1984. He won by one of the largest landslides in American
history, and yet the government still distorts the First Amendment and
prevented public prayer in our schools, on high school football fields, and in
other public forums. Judge Moore has
articulated this
frustration long abandoned by the most ardent of
conservatives (including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul): “You wonder why we’re having
shootings, and killings here in 2017? Because we’ve asked for it. We’ve taken
God out of everything. We’ve taken prayer out of school, we’ve taken prayer out
of council meetings.”
This country doesn’t just need fiscal restraint, but spiritual revival.
Moore epitomizes this necessary restoration of Biblical truth and morality.
Without this restored foundation, this country will experience a temporary
reprieve from the progressive disaster, but darkness will return. We need more
Bible-believing conservatives in Washington. We need Judge Roy Moore in the
United States Senate!

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