December 31, 2022

Boise, ID —

As 2022 comes to a close, I am pleased to report on the many successes our Idaho Republican Party has achieved during my first six months as your Chairwoman.

In the November midterms, we were proud to see so many of our candidates win local, state, and federal offices. These victories are a testament to the strength of our message and the hard work of our campaign teams and volunteers.

On taking office, the first thing I learned was that our party organization was stuck in a paper and fax structure despite our living in a digital world.

I made it an immediate priority to modernize our party’s online presence. We rebuilt the party’s website, making it easier to use and making sure that the information central to an informed grassroots — including our party rules and platform — are more transparent. I promised clear and consistent communication and our website, information emails and press releases have done just that.

I expanded our party’s social media presence, rebranding the party to give our online presence a fresh, new look, and taking dormant accounts and pushing them into relevance, gaining over 825,440 impressions across our social media platforms.

I also revamped our office administration. Gone are the days when the party headquarters is only open for a few hours a day. I hired staff to meet the demands of our modern party infrastructure. I eliminated the two-hour lunch perk that left many Republicans wondering if party headquarters was anything more than an answering machine, and I cut wasteful spending throughout the central office.

These building blocks have produced real electoral success but also demonstrable fundraising growth. When I took the chairmanship in the summer, the party had only sent out one state party fundraising communication in over six months. Through a combination of grassroots donations, strategic partnerships and fundraising events, we have been able to secure the resources needed to support the party, our candidates, and advance a principled agenda.

Rebuilding our party and its infrastructure has also meant a renewed focus on being present in Idaho’s communities, rural and urban. Despite some heartburn from traditionalists, we hosted a series of large rallies across Idaho — giving Idahoans more than just a photo op but an actual opportunity to hear from their local and statewide candidates.

In the last general election cycle, the State Party printed, mailed and lit dropped 233,800 mailers and flyers. As a united Republican Party, across our counties and legislative districts, we collectively sent 188,696 text messages, called 5,843 voters, and walked and knocked on 73,949 doors.

Together we have built a new and stronger foundation for the party. And this is just the beginning! I am confident that we are well positioned to build on the success of the past six months and take our party to new heights in 2023. Gone are the days of a woebegone party that rests on Idaho’s reputation as a conservative state. Instead, we will continue the hard work of making the prosperous and conservative vision for Idaho a reality.

Dorothy Moon,

Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party




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