George Floyd was a thug.

George Floyd was a drug addict.

George Floyd was a menace to society.

And yet, Trump went all in on the “Tragedy of George Floyd” in 2020:

This is really troubling.

What the country needed at that time was serious leadership, a direct effort by our chief executive to crack down on the lawlessness that was eating up large cities.

Just because they were Democrat-run did not mean he had no excuse to bring in the National Guard in the several states to take action.

George Herbert Walker Bush brought in the National Guard when the LA Riots broke out in 1992. And he was a globalist.

What excuse did Trump have to hold back and do nothing?

Trump’s leadership skills were really marred by the time Election 2020 came around. He already had a ban personnel sense when he entered the Oval Office. By 2020, the bad choice in counselors, secretaries, and cabinet leaders was all too profound and pronounced. He needed to take decisive action during the George Floyd riots, and even the destruction of federal properties throughout the Blue states.

Instead, from what I have read, he followed the dictates of his advisors, who told him to do “nothing,” because it would have been construed as “racist.”

We need to do better in Election 2024. We need to do better as a country, or this country will endure a worse fate, one which it will (sadly) deserve.

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