Former President Donald Trump is not a threat to democracy. He is not a dictator by any stretch. In fact, when he had the power to restore law and order in the country (not just tweet about it), he didn’t do anything.

Dictators dictate, not rely on empty diktat to give the impression that they are doing something.

He was a weak leader, especially during the last year of his Presidency.
He didn’t take charge of the corruption, and he didn’t clean out all the crap in Washington DC.
In fact, too much of his authority and decision-making, he delegated to other people.
We got tax cuts because then-Speaker Paul Ryan wanted to get the tax cuts through.
We got better justices because the Federalist Society provided an excellent list of judicial nominees.
Would that Trump had brought in someone like Kris Kobach or Pat Buchanan to take care of immigration policy, this country would have been in a better place.
Now, check out how Governor Ron DeSantis slams Trump perfectly on this issue of inaction:

Indeed, Trump got rolled, but here’s specifically what DeSantis said:

“I think Donald Trump didn’t take some of the action he could have constitutionally taken. I look back: ‘What didn’t he do?'”

Then DeSantis lists the fact that Trump didn’t build the wall, he didn’t fire bad people, and he didn’t really break the administrative state. “He deferred a lot of his presidency to these people that he now criticizes.”

And you’ve gotta love Steve Deace’s sharp take on everything, too!

Somewhate off-color, but the truth must be told. Trump got taken to the cleaners. He was ruled over, and over-ruled by, bad people in the White House. He brought them into his inner circle! He let bad people come into the inner workings of the executive branch, and too many of them put their own little, petty interests ahead of the well-being of the country.

The more I look back on the Trump Presidency, the more I see a Reality TV Show host who was in it for the fame, the glam, the glory. He wanted to take nice photos of himself in front of leaders, heads of state, etc. But he was not interested in actually governing.

And that’s where Governor–yes GOVERNOR–Ron DeSantis steps in to stand in the gap, to fill the void.

If you think I am being too hard on Trump, listen to him admit that he “stood by and watched” the major cities in our country burn:

Trump stood by and just watched. He allowed police stations burn to the ground. He allowed autonomous zones to spring up in major cities, as well, which permitted outright lawlessness in their boundaries. How many innocent lives died? How much corruption and dysfunction did Trump allow to fester in these cities without taking any action at all?

In stark and welcome contrast during the George Floyd riots of 2020, Gov. DeSantis took charge immediately, shut down violent protests, and even called a special session of the state legislature to stiffen penalties for rioting in the state of Florida. That is leadership.

For the record, shortly after his own inauguration, Argentina’s President Javier Milei has issued clear orders and directives against violent, disruptive protests in his country. He has gone so far as to threaten protesters, individual and group, with costly fees if they force the government to come out in large number, in force to protect the country.

That’s the promise that governments should make the general public when law and order is threatened in the streets. DeSantis got the job done in Florida, and Milei is getting the job done in Argentina. That is leadership! Trump’s tenure was marred by his inaction and his do-nothing stances throughout 2020. Not acceptable. We can do better, but no one should call Trump a dictator!

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