Tressy Capps, Arthur Schaper, Gary Gileno
I’m emailing you directly to inform you, and your friends,
that you are not welcome at our Indivisible meeting next week, or at any of our
events in the future. Arthur, you RSVP’d on Facebook, Gary and Tressy, you
RSVP’d via EventBrite and all 3 RSVPs have been cancelled.
I had reported about another Indivisible meeting, which was scheduled for May 13 at the Torrance Public Main Library. These are private
events on private property and we have the right to restrict entry or remove
anyone who seeks to disrupt our meeting. If anyone else in your group is
planning to attend and disrupt the meeting, you can expect to be treated as a
trespasser on private property and deal with the police. Oh brother. Yet these left-wing protesters think that they have a right to disrupt and shut down town halls hosted by Republican Congressional representatives. What?! While we welcome debate and diverse opinions, you have
demonstrated through your actions that you are not interested in debate, but
rather simply in disruption. You’re intentional “triggering” and disruptive
behavior will not be tolerated at our meetings.
Yes, Nathan is so worried about everyone getting “triggered.”
This is the political future, unless we start reaching out and teaching up young people.
Which I am committed to doing,
I guess they never saw this video:Not only was I debate others, but I was even changing minds. Consider this your official notice that if you try to attend
our meeting, or even park in the parking lot, you will be asked to leave and
the police will be called immediately. If you refuse to leave will be treated
as an act of trespassing. Nathan Tenney

Nathan stand with baby-killing Planned Murderhood:

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