The Torrance Daemocratic Club has some terrible skeletons in their closet.

Who would have known? Who would have guessed?

Some of the Torrance Democratic Club members have engaged in some pretty unseemly acts. TDC President Jimmy Gow’s tresspassing on a veteran’s hall is right there at the top of the list, for example.

We could also mention how he tried to turn the removal of a traffic commissioner into a partisan affair, going after me at the Beach Cities Republicans because we all took the lead to ensure that Patrick Furey Jr. was removed from the commission right away.

And then I received some incredible intel.

The Torrance Democratic Club is now meeting at the Hometown Buffet in Torrance.

And someone was able to find out for what is going on in there!

I have spies everywhere.

I have friends, contacts, fellow conservatives, activists, fighters of all backgrounds who are furious with the illiberal political perversities of Mayor Pat Furey, Tim Goodrich, and Social Services Commissioner Jimmy Gow.

Check out the info that I got about the Torrance Democratic Club at one of their more recent meetings!

First, let’s talk about Sue Herbers. She is running for District Four to replace Councilman Milton Herring.

And she was speaking at the Torrance Democratic Club. However, she is a registered Independent, but still … she was speaking at the Torrance Democratic Club!

According to one source, Herbers is using Patrick Furey Jr. as her campaign consultant. Wow! This is unbelieveable. What kind of folly is this? What is she thinking? This guy has been hit with multiple ethical violations. He was fined by the FPPC, too!

Her biggest pitch to the Torrance Democratic Club? She wants young blood in the Democratic party and on the city council. She needs to run because of all the “right-wingers” on the city council. Wow. Not a very centered, non-partisan lady, is she? And to think that she was the Clerk for the City of Torrance for years.

Then there was Andrew De Block. He is running against Councilman Mike Griffiths.

He is very progressive, of course, since he was the chief of staff for Al Muratsuchi. He has beeen talking a great deal about the homeless issue, and he is on par with housing the homeless as the best solution to the whole crisis.

Then there’s Geoff Rizzo. He has turned out to be the biggest disappointment of them all. This guy is supposed to be a registered Republican, and yet he was speaking at the Torrance Democratic Club meeting at Hometown Buffet earlier this month.

Check out this grainy photo op of Rizzo with Gow:

Here are some things that he shared at the latest Torrance Democratic Club Meeting:

He wants to house the homeless in commercial building, and he wants to build showers for them.

According to my source, Rizzo said that “we must progress ” on the homeless issue. Really.

Rizzo has been moving to the left for a long time, since he got elected in 2014, and even after that. He had no interest in doing anything about the pension issues when I talked to him. He has spoken out against concealed carry.

Then he shared that the following image was shared with the Torrance City Council:

This is unreal. Shame on the Black Lives Matter Hate Group that has been harassing Torrance City Council and residents. They think that they have a right to punish everyone else because Christopher “Cowboy” Mitchell chose to steal cars and drive around with an air rifle at his feet.

Notice how they have him floating in the sky with his little angel wings, and a marijuana leaf covering his private parts. Really? This is how they do justice to Christopher Mitchell.

Man, I am so tired of this crap. I am so tired of black thugs getting celebrated, when there are plenty of black lives doing good for this country. Many of these black lives do not want to be seen merely for their skin color, either. They are Americans. They may think of themselves as “African Americans” or “Black Americans”, but they are Americans, nonetheless.

Christopher “Cowboy” Mitchell was a violent criminal. If BL(D)M has a problem with the DA not pressing charges on the police, then they need to complain to Jackie Lacey. They are wasting their breath screaming at the Torrance City Council

The very notion of this KKK crap and combining it with the police department is really insulting. On top of that, they have a picture of Christopher “Cowboy” Mitchell looking like some kind of angel, and they portray him getting beaten down by four police officers. Give me a break.

Does the Torrance Democratic Club endorse calling the Torrance Police Department “KKK”?

Rizzo did not want the above picture getting out, because he feared that residents might file a FOIA request on the matter. This is quite disturbing. These Anti-Black haters need to exposed for all that they are doing.

And there’s more …

My source then tod me that there is a major lingering problem in the Torrance Democratic Club.

The California Democratic Party is struggling with several sexual harassment issues. During their meeting in November, Jimmy Gow actually laughed about this. He thinks it’s funny.

Another guy was attending the meetings, of course.

His name?

John Paul Tabakian.

This is the same guy who has been switching sides for the longest time, trying to find whichever side he thinks will help him win something or gain ground.

During some he meetings, he says nothing.  He just watches.  When the Torrance Democratic Club talks about the harassment issues that are coming to the forefront, Tabakian supports the women being harassed. In one meeting, John Paul was yelling at Jimmy Gow over the sex harassment issues, and he did this in public, in the parking lot in front of Hometown Buffet.

At one point, John Paul Tabakian announced that he did not want to help the club anymore.

Then there’s Torrance Unified School Board member Terry Ragins.

Terry Ragins is seated on the far right

Terry Ragins … she just sits there, says nothing.  She looked scared. According to my source, she did not react or say anything when the discussions turn to the issue.

And guess who else they talk about?

Yours truly.

They talk about Arthur a lot. Schaper Derangement Syndrome is at an all-time high with the Torrance Democratic Club.

Jimmy Gow saiys I am “unhinged”. Tabakian actually spoke in my defense: “At least he doesn’t fuck kids.”

Jimmy Gow calls me “unhinged.” Yes. Right, Sure.

True that. Democrats have a much sicker penchant of doing that. Should we be surprised, since they endorse homosexuality, transgenderism, at the rest of the sorry set of sexual deviance into their arty? Say “No” to all sexual perversions. Of course, Tabakian was very likely alluding to Mr. Eric Bauman, the previous chairman of the California Democratic Party who was ousted after numerous allegations of sexual misconduct. Very serious stuff. So serious, that even Governor Gavin Newsom got involved and demanded his ouster.

But as I wrote above, there is a whole slew of sexual misconduct issues plaguing the California Democratic Party.

They make fun of my videos. They also talked about the video where I got arrested. Good times.

They say I’m a Nazi, part of a hate group, Ku Klux Klan. Blah, Blah, Blah. I wish they could be more original when attacking me.

They are suspicious that I might be bringing in a gun. Funny! They were saying that that is why I can’t teach kids anymore. Really funny.


They make fun of Aurelio… they make cub of his Italian voice. What kind of liberal group goes out of its way to make fun of immigrants? Two immigrants sit on the Torrance City Council, and yet the Torrance Democratic Club and the liberals in the surrounding city go out of their way to mock them. It is nothing short of disgusting. They talk a great game about caring about immigrants, but in reality they just want to use them for their own sick, narrowminded benefit.

My source also told me that:

  1. The Torrance Democratic Club wants to raise taxes.
  1. They want to form a group to destroy the wall.
  1. They are afraid of  Sharon Kalani, who is running for Torrance City Council District Four. They actually that she’s is a Nazi, too.

Too bad that they don’t know their history all that well. The Nazis were progressives, just like them. EEK!

Final Reflection

A good friend of mine took the time to get this information about the Torrance Democratic Club. This little snippet into their inner workings should give people enough of an idea why people like this–especially Jimmy Gow–should not be anywhere near leadership or governing power in the city of Torrance.

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