When someone is running for city council, one would think that a candidate would go out of his way to answer questions for prospective voters.

Not Jack Walser.

The former appointed city councilman seems to forget that he works for voters, for citizens, not for Frank Scott, not for Pat Furey, not for the political establishment.

I sent a questionnaire to Mr. Walser, since he is running for the District Six City Council seat, asking him to share his thoughts, his answers about his campaign.

Here’s my email:

Hey Mr, Walser:
Ten years ago, I sent out questionnaires to different candidates, giving them a chance to share their views and answer questions on their campaign.
I am requesting that you fill out this questionnaire, as well! I will post your answers on my blog.
Here’s what Heidi Ashcraft shared with me in 2014, and what I posted:
Please feel free to send me your answers as soon as you can, and I will post them.
  1. Why are you running for city council this year? Did you ever plan on running for office before? 
  2. What is your party affiliation? Please explain why.


  1. Tell us about your prior professional/political experience and how they can help the City of Torrance? 


  1. What measures, reforms, and policies would you implement on a city level to bring in more business and increase economic activity in the City of Torrance. 


  1. What concerns do you have about crime and public safety in Torrance? How do you want to combat those issues? 


  1. There are growing revelations about the city’s massive pension liabilities — $400 million, an online reports confirm that at least 600 city employees out of 200 are earning at least $100,000 a year in total compensation (per 2012 data). What reforms or steps do you support to deal with these massive pension liabilities? 


  1. Aside from crime and finances, what are three issues that you want to tackle when you get elected to city council? 


  1. How have residents and prospective voters responded to your campaign?
And here was his arrogant answer:

My time is very limited with business priorities and running the campaign with only a short time remaining. I would be hard pressed to complete your questionnaire as requested. Besides, your questions are not timely being ten years old.
Please go to my website and find the information you are seeking at: https://www.jackwalsertorrance.com/
Thank you.
        Jack Walser
Jack Walser thinks that questions about crime and public safety are not timely. He thinks that questions about the city’s finance issues are not timely. Is he even paying attention? Does he have any understanding of the pressing issues facing the city? It sure sounds as if he doesn’t, which may explain why he is not answering questions.
He says that he does not have time to answer questions because of his business.
If he can’t make time to answer questions because of his business, how will he make time to serve the city as a councilman?
If he cannot prioritze voters and their questions when he is running for office, then what busines does he have running for office?
Mr. Walser, if you are going to make excuses, try harder. But I will say that the voters of District Six deserve better than some dismissive busines owner who won’t answer questions for the voters.
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