Them Before Us is an excellent ministry/non-profit which is fighting to put Them Before Us, i.e. fight for the NEEDS of children ahead of the desires of adults.

Their research and advocacy turned me into an opponent of in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy. Their compiled research and evidence helped solidfy the intuitive truth, that children need their Dad and Mom, not just “two parents,” a revelation which correctly undermines the fraud that is same-sex “marriage.”

Check out their official statement on the recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling which rules that embryos are life, living beings as well:

We applaud the Alabama Supreme Court‘s pro-child decision which recognizes and protects life in all circumstances, inside or outside of the womb.

This decision is an important step forward in holding the fertility industry accountable, including their processes which lead to the demise of around 93% of lab-created babies.

Recognizing the humanity of children at every age and stage of development is foundational to justice.

No matter how challenging our personal circumstances, the solution must never be to strip children of their fundamental rights and needs. A just society never insists that the weak sacrifice for the strong. It is adults who must sacrifice on behalf of children.

We must put Them before Us.

~ Katy Faust

Founder & President

Them Before Us


A gift of any amount advances the

rights of children across the world.

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