I voted for David Hadley four times.

I vote for in both the primary and the general election in 2014 and 2016. He was the best choice for office in those contests. Even after he voted to permit illegal aliens to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare state insurance exchanges, even though he supported allowing illegal aliens to have drivers licenses, and even though he voted for assisted suicide, he was better than allowing Al Muratsuchi to continue representing the South Bay in Sacramento.

Me with then Assemblyman-elect David Hadley
in December 2014

When he launched his bid for governor, my immediate reaction was a resounding NO! He was too liberal, unwilling to fight for conservative principles, too invested in seeking “balance” rather than righting the ship of state.

We don’t need balance, we don’t need compromise when the other side wants to steal your property in the name of “social justice”, or when the other side wants to silence you, to kill you because they don’t agree with your political views. The Regressive Left is also the Aggressive Left, and there is no making nice, making compromise, or finding common ground with another side that has no interest in respecting the natural rights of fellow citizens.

David Hadley wanted to be the professional nice guy, the one who would be welcomed at any table, well, actually the so-called “Cool Kids’ Table.” The party brass, the big money establishment wanted him to be the next chairman. He was connected with the New Permanent Minority money, for example. Andy Gimme-Candy and Howard Fakes, along with the rest of the sluggish RINO-PLAC crowd were simply not interested in making a difference, just interested in making it seem like they were getting by.

On top of all these issues, Hadley was a NeverTrumper. He wrote the stunningly bad op-ed for the Daily Breeze in which he had announced that he was not voting for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. The thinking behind all of this was really bad. Rather than opening up Democrats and liberal independents to vote for him, the op-end turned off a whole lot of Republicans. The Palos Verdes Republican Women federated refused to help his 2016 re-election bid. No matter how much Hadley’s ardent supporters condemned this investment for the Presidential Election (Donald Trump was not going to win California anyway, so who cares?), the conservative activists throughout the South Bay did not want to help Hadley.

The same corrupted liberal cohorts that have ruined RPLAC also undermined the Beach Cities Republicans. Many of them refused to do anything for Trump or for Republicans in general election in 2016. When the Beach Cities Republicans hosted Marco Gutierrez in 2016, the South Bay Central Committee undercut us and told me to cancel the meeting. It was pretty shocking what happened. I refused to be pushed around. I was re-elected to be President of the Beach Cities Republicans. Rather than accepting this victory, the RPLAC Executive Committee violated their own by-laws and revoked the club’s charter. When I sought David Hadley’s help, or at least his understanding on this matter, this was the answer I basically received from him:

For my part and to this day, I still have found him to be still so off-putting, arrogant, disrespectful. He is a snob, someone who picks and chooses the people he wants to “be seen with.” Who wants to put up with this?! Do we really want someone like that running the state party?

In spite of these problems, the California Republican Party executive board got behind him for Vice Chair, voting him in unanimously. They really believed that they were going to short-circuit the Convention election and force a hand-picked successor on the delegates.

But that did not happen.

I was surprised to receive his latest eblast that it would be his final eblast.

The public and the legacy media didn’t even report on it until five days later as an afterthought. Hadley was such a non-entity in his bid for Chairman.

But the biggest victory is that the delegates, the base sent the message loud and clear: We will elected our representative chairman, not you!

This is huge! Let’s keep building on this momentum!

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