This is how odious the Left really is.
And most people on the Right still don’t get it. They still trot out the lie that Kavanaugh is a rapist. They still trot out the lie that Clarence Thomas is a rapist, a sexual harasser, etc.
And they fundraise off these lies, all to foment more hatred.
Check out the latest fundraising email to “Get Out the Vote for Democrats”:
Thank you for supporting the Progressive Turnout Project. We’re a 100% grassroots-funded organization with a single mission: rallying Democrats to exercise their right to vote.
Our Mission: Rally Democrats to Vote.
The best way to turn out voters is with one-on-one conversations.
Progressive Turnout Project is built around this truth, proven time and time again by researchers — including us. On average, our field work boosts voter turnout by more than 10 percent.
How are we different from everyone else sending you emails?
Our Turnout Teams talk to inconsistent voters who are likely Democrats, so they don’t need persuading on who to vote for. They just need a nudge, some information, and to hear from a real person. That means every eligible non-voter we’re able to reach brings Democrats closer to success on Election Day.
Compared to expensive TV ads, research has proven we have a much larger impact for our investment. Look, that’s why we send you so many emails. The success of our work can make or break an election. And we’re entirely funded by grassroots donors.
If you want to unsubscribe, click here. If you want to receive fewer emails, click here. If you’d like to donate, please click here.
From the entire Progressive Turnout Team, thank you for your support!
Progressive Turnout Project 201 W Lake St #104 Chicago, IL 60606
This is really despicable. These people deserve to lose, but the Right, the Conservatives, the Nationalists and Populists are not playing to win. They are playing to feel good. And that is not a winning strategy.