This is really astonishing. These left-wing activists are beyond belief, how they prioritize the selfish convenience of adults (mostly men, actually). They have no problem killing millions of innocent babies every year, and they call abortion “reproductive care.” How offensive can one get?

On top of that, they decry the closure of all these obscene abortion clinics as creating “reproductive care deserts.”

It’s just obscene.

Here’s the Courage (?) Campaign’s latest call to action for money:

A reproductive health care desert lines the western U.S.

From North Dakota to Arizona, from Wyoming to Nevada, abortion bans prevent people from accessing the choices they need. It’s a desert that encompasses thousands of square miles — and it’s incredibly important that California remain an abortion sanctuary for anyone needing us.(1)

Those seeking an abortion are often in the middle of a health or personal crisis, and the last thing they need in California is to be directed to a fake health clinic that will lie to and shame them in order to prevent them from receiving care.

But that’s what is happening to thousands of people when they search for abortion services in California — they’re being directed to so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” that pretend to provide reproductive care but actually don’t even employ medical professionals. We need to put a stop to this practice.

Will you donate to help stop Google from running ads for fake health clinics?

Every day, tens of thousands of people search Google for abortion care and end up seeing results for crisis pregnancy centers that claim to provide abortions. But instead, these clinics are full of “counselors” who tell patients lies, including that their abortion will cause cancer, that their relationship with their partner will fall apart, and that they may never be able to have children again after the abortion.(2)

They even put patients through invasive ultrasounds and string them along until they’re past the point of being able to terminate their pregnancy safely. These clinics’ manipulation tactics are so successful that less than half of people who are tricked into visiting them have an abortion.(3)

Google has made $10.2 million from these ads in the last two years alone.(4)

We need to shut down the ability of these centers to trick patients through Google searches. So here is what we’re doing:

  • We’re using our special social media tool to help our 1.4 million members create personalized posts asking friends and family to tell Google to stop selling these ads.
  • We’re lobbying the California Legislature to put stronger restrictions on these fake clinics and how they are able to advertise.
  • We’re educating as many people as possible about crisis pregnancy centers to encourage people in their communities to shut them down.

This is the front line for the battle for reproductive rights, and we need to stop these fake clinics from deceiving vulnerable people.

Will you donate today?

Thank you for standing for reproductive rights!

–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jen, Lindsay, and Scottie (and the rest of the Courage team)

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