Dear Tennessee MassResistance:

We have a great pro-family opportunity for you to help make a difference with other warriors and pastors in the Tennessee state house.

A number of pastors have introduced legislation, HB2721 called the “Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act.”

This legislation would set up boards made up of parents in every county in the state of Tennessee. These boards would hold the power to determine who would be administering the libraries and what kinds of programs would be permitted in the libraries.

The goal of this legislation is to ensure that perverted programs like “Drag Queen Story Hour” and other LGBT-oriented programs never enter those libraries ever again! Tennessee MassResistance members and allies have worked very hard to shut down Drag Queen Story Hour programs throughout the state, but this legislation will make sure that they never come back to local libraries, while also empowering parents to safeguard their children and the next generations to follow.

Please contact the following lawmakers and tell them to support HB2721!

Here are the talking points to use:

  1. “Parents should have the final say on what goes on in their local libraries! What is wrong with that?”
  2. “This measure would only cot $22,000 a year over 95 counties. That is a small price to pay to protect children from sexual deviance, perversion, and predators!”
  3. “Libraries are turning into targets for the LGBT lobby to push all kinds of perversion, not just Drag Queen Story Hour. We need to put a stop to this madness before it gets worse!”
  4. “Big businesses are intimidating the state legislature? You tell them ‘You need us! We don’t need you!’ Pass HB 2721!”
  5. “You are only allowing 2 people to address the committee in favor of this bill? You need to allow more people to speak out in favor of this bill!”

Representative Moon – Chairman (He needs to get an earful the most!)

(615) 741-5481

Representative Calfee

(615) 741-7658

Representative Travis

(615) 741-1450

Rep Wright

(615) 741-6879

Representative Crawford

(615) 741-7623

Representative Grills

(615) 741-0718

Representative Wright

(615) 741-6879


We need as many people as possible to attend the state house committee hearing on this bill.

Here’s the information you need to attend:

Date: Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Time: 3:30pm Central Time


Cordell Hull Bldg.

425 5th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37243

Phone: (615) 741-2287

Ask for the hearing of the House Committee on Government Operations, Cities and Counties Subcommittee

Please contact Tennessee MassResistance Director Sherman Kellow for more information


Put in the Subject Heading of your email: HB2721 Hearing

Thank you in advance for your help!



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