Unbelievable, yet rather unexpected, actually.

Massachusetts, aka Marx-achusetts, is embracing the same cultural Marxism determined to undermine to the Western World, the natural family, Judeo-Christian values, and individual liberties.

The Commonwealth was the cradle of the American Revolution, but it looks like the Frankfurt School and the Russian Revolution are more committed than ever to taking over the United States. Since the communists could not overthrow the country through terrorism and military means, they infiltrated American universities and indoctrinated the next generation to embrace Marxism by denying the West’s right to exist.

The college students of yesterday have become the legislators of today.

In Massachusetts, they want to ban gay conversion therapy, or more properly referred to as reparative therapy. Following the same path as California had done seven years ago, the Bay State politicians are targeting the end of reparative therapy for minors, claiming that it is abusive and unnecessary.

The legislation to ban conversion therapy is H.4664, otherwise known as:

An Act relative to abusive practices to change sexual orientation and gender identity in minors

Here’s the link to read the text of the bill.

These arguments are not only old and common, but they are fundamentally false.

Reparative therapy does not rely on shock treatments or any other form of physical pain or abuse.

Reparative therapy does not focus on the same-sex feelings or the gender dysphoria, but the problems, the hurts, the lies underneath the pain. Most young people struggle with their identities and behaviors because of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.

Parents, pastors, and physicians have a calling, a moral imperative to help young people achieve true freedom and lasting wholeness.

That cannot happen as long as they live in bondage to a lie, or really a spindly web of lies which has taught the world that different forms of sexual orientation are natural, normal, and worthy of promotion. Furthermore, the fad of undermining biological verities on gender is patently false, delusional, insane. Gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness, and transgenderism is a mental disorder.

The state legislature should not enable such detrimental ideologies and destructive behaviors.

We need every pro-family activist to help lead the fight against this perversion.

Here’s a little bit of what MassResistance activists are facing to stop this madness:

Massachusetts- let’s end conversion therapy! Please take action to protect LGBTQ youth by sending a message to your state senator for their urgent action to pass H. 4664: https://t.co/S378QF8wOL #BornPerfect #LGBTQ pic.twitter.com/5Pi3KYWRxQ

— CMHC (@kidsMHmass) July 5, 2018

The latest news on this terrible legislation:

The bill H.4664 has passed out of the Massachusetts State House and is headed to the Massachusetts State Senate. The next hearing will take place before the State Senate Rules Committee, where if it passes the bill will go to the senate floor then to the Governor’s desk. RINO Governor Charlie Baker is pro-homosexual and pro-abortion. This governor needs the heaviest pressure possible.

But our first line of attack is the MA State Senate Rules Committee.

The members are listed below. Contact them in every way available. Make it very clear that children’s lives are at stake, and the LGBT Agenda is nothing but destruction and evil for the next and future generations as well as our society as a whole.

Tell them: “Vote NO on H.4664!”

It’s time for MassResistance!

Massachusetts State Senate

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MassSenate/

Mark Montigny – Chair (D)


State House

24 Beacon St.

Room 312-C

Boston, MA, 02133

Phone: 617-722-1440 Fax: 617-722-1068

District Office

888 Purchase Street Room 305

New Bedford, MA 02740

Phone: (508) 984-1474 Fax: (508) 984-1590

Facebook Page:


Karen E. Spilka – Vice Chair (D)


State House

24 Beacon St.

Room 212

Boston, MA, 02133

Phone: 617-722-1640

Fax: 617-722-1077

District Office

(No District Office!)

Facebook Page:


James T. Welch (D)


State House

24 Beacon St.

Room 413-B

Boston, MA, 02133

Phone: 617-722-1660

District Office

32-34 Hampden Street

Springfield, MA 01103

Phone: 413-737-7756

Fax: 413-306-5179


Twitter: https://twitter.com/sen_jim_welch/

Donald F. Humason, Jr. (R)


State House

24 Beacon St.

Room 313-A

Boston, MA, 02133

Phone: 617-722-1415

Fax: 617-722-1506

District Office

64 Noble Street

Westfield, MA 01085

Phone: 413-568-1366

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonHumason

Viriato M. deMacedo (R)


State House

24 Beacon St.

Room 313-C

Boston, MA, 02133

Phone: 617-722-1330

District Office

10 Cordage Park Circle

Room 229

Plymouth, MA 02360

Phone: 508-747-6500

Fax: 508-746-9332

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