Steve Deace nails it once again.

He opposed Trump in the 2016 primaries, and that is all well and good. That was his choice, and Trump was not my first choice, either.

He then came around and supported him when he was the nominee. So did I.

He was willing to work with Trump when he was serving as President of the United States. I thought that Trump exceeded expectations, too, and certainly did better than Reagan had done.

Deace supported Trump in 2020, too, and that is all well and good. I supported Trump, as well.

Now we are in 2024, and it’s time for a new set of leadership. I am all in for DeSantis in the primary, and it looks more and more that Steve Deace is leaning towards supporting DeSantis, too.

Check out his long take on Trump’s issues, and how well he could compete in a general election next year:

Here’s the full text of his post:

The entirety of the “we must rally behind Trump” argument to essentially turn this primary into an official coronation, in light of his mounting legal troubles/persecution, comes down to the following gamble:

Will independent voters who have made it very clear three elections in a row they don’t like Trump, now suddenly see him as a martyr?

Because if they don’t, then you’re looking at another four years of even more Hell from even more demonic Democrats, and we’re already hanging by a string. And all the getting high on our own supplies we’re doing now is going to feel pretty meaningless later, when they’re actually just doing the castrations in the classrooms.

So far there is zero hard data showing independents — by far the largest voting bloc in America — will view Trump this way, so the primary must continue on those grounds alone IMO. Now, that may change the more heavy-handed Democrats become, but until it does there are too many variables we couldn’t possibly game theory during such an unprecedented time. And as bad as what they’re doing to Trump is, the rest of us aren’t billionaires looking at house arrest within a posh resort when they do it to us.

We need more assurance we can rally behind someone who can legit win, and has proven they will legit wield the power necessary to defend our way of life at this pivotal time. Anything else and we are grifters, either intentionally or effectively once the smoke clears in November of 2024. All the positive ratios we’re pleasuring ourselves to now won’t console us one iota then. 

The Japanese were out for vengeance, too, so in their conviction they launched kamikaze missions. We responded by dropping atom bombs, and suddenly all their vengeance conviction was null and void.

The Spirit of the Age drops atom bombs. We must respond with something more than a kamikaze mission on behalf of a billionaire, who lest we forget helped them lock us all down when they dropped an atom bomb on us. Not to mention handed them a check for an even worse atom bomb via the syringe.

You cannot have an inverse relationship with any politician, where you care more about them than they care about you. It’s not that I don’t understand he is being screwed, because he is, but I’m making the very pragmatic argument so many have urged me in the past to deploy. If I thought, or when I think, this martyrdom argument can get us across the finish line, then I would/will be fully on-board. But so far there is no data to suggest that it will, and I need to care about my family more than the Trump family.

This isn’t popular to say, and will make people I like and respect angry with me. I understand that, and accept full responsibility. Come what may to my career.

But my kids, who are all at or on the brink of adulthood, and their futures must come first. I need more assurance I am not sentencing them (and thus my grandchildren to come) to four more years of Demoncrat Hell just for clicks and esprit de corps now.

We have to think about the future of the country. We have to think about what is best for everyone, not just for Trump. It is not fair that the election was stolen from Trump, but at the same time, we cannot allow the blind partisan trust in Trump to throw the country into further disarray.

I am not a big fan of voting for candidates in the primary simply because they have a better chance of winning in the general election. However, this analysis should not be ignored.

As a country, as a community, as a people, we need to take a stand for truth, justice, and the American Way. The best way to accomplish these goals is not to keep getting behind a failed leader who puts himself ahead of the needs of others. Enough is enough.

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