Boston Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic – Here’s what’s really happening to children and teenagers!

Documenting chemical castration, irreversible surgeries, the people behind it, and much more.

Videos and names the hospital tried to hide.

A ghoulish ideology gone out of control!

May 1, 2023
ALT TEXT From a December 2011 Boston Globe article. These two boys were identical twins – until Boston Children’s Hospital got ahold of them. In this photo, one twin (on the right) was 5’6″ tall and weighed 115 pounds. But after “gender” procedures, the other was only 5’1″ and weighed 100 pounds.
Read our full 70-page Special Report HERE
(Caution: Some very disturbing images and descriptions.)

People are becoming aware that there are now dozens of children’s hospital clinics and hundreds of independent clinics across the U.S. (and many more around the world) that practice so-called “gender medicine” on young children and teenagers. (In addition, many – if not most – mental health professionals have climbed on board with the transgender ideology.)

It has become a multi-billion dollar business. These procedures often cause permanent disfiguration, mutilation, castration, and lifelong medical and mental health problems. It is all experimental.

Recently, several states have introduced legislation to ban this gruesome practice. Such bans are fiercely fought by the powerful LGBT lobby, the hospital industry, corporate America, and the mainstream media. They say this is “gender-affirming medical care” and must be allowed. They attack those who oppose these procedures as bigots.

What is really happening to children? We have prepared a special report to explain it to you.

The epicenter of this has been at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). Opening in 2007 under Dr. Norman Spack, it was the pioneer “gender clinic” in the U.S.

From the beginning, MassResistance raised the alarm about Dr. Spack and his frightening new gender clinic. In May, 2008, Fox News got wind of our reports. Fox’s Megyn Kelly invited Brian Camenker of MassResistance to their New York headquarters for this interview:

VIDEO: Fox News Interviews MassResistance 5/21/08 (3 min 30 sec)

Boston Children’s Hospital’s gender clinic has grown incredibly since then and has been imitated in children’s hospitals across the U.S.

Amy Contrada, the head of our MassResistance research team, has covered Dr. Spack closely since before the clinic officially opened. She has now released this report revealing the ghoulish details that are often being hidden, but which people need to know.

This report details the so-called “gender affirming” medical treatments and surgeries that are happening at Boston Children’s Hospital:

  • Social transitioning guidance
  • Puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones for boys and girls
  • Tucking genitals (boys), binding breasts (girls)
  • Double mastectomies (breast removal) on girls, called “chest reconstruction” (ages 15+)
  • Creating female-like breasts on boys , called “breast augmentation”
  • Using a girl’s genital tissue, forearm and thigh tissue to create a fake penis (ages 18+)
  • Removing a boy’s penis and creating a “vaginal cavity” (now ages 18+; formerly age 17+)
  • “Gender affirming hysterectomy” and removal of vagina on females (ages 18+)
  • Vocal cord/Adam’s apple surgery on males to sound like females
  • “Facial harmonization”: Surgeries to make facial features appear female or male

This report includes photos and descriptions, many of which may be difficult to view.

Note that even where BCH limits some of the surgeries for ages 18 or older, many of their younger patients are already on course to continue with those – encouraged to do so by their “caring” doctors at the clinic.

The incriminating videos

In recent years BCH made a series of nine short (mostly 1-2 minutes long) video clips describing (in cheerfully delivered clinical terms) some of the grisly things their gender clinic does. After the videos were seen and publicized by some parents and there was widespread public outcry, BCH removed them. But we have recovered them and include them in this report.

Here are two of them:

This video is titled “Surgical transition: Who is eligible?” The answer: A 15-year-old girl can have her breasts removed if she’s sure she “feels like” a male. Note that the person speaking has a wide scar on the neck below where the Adam’s apple would be. This is likely a male who “transitioned” to female.

VIDEO: Who is eligible for surgical “transition”? (48 sec)

This absurd BCH video has a psychologist saying that children sometimes know they’re transgender from the time they’re born. Thus, the BCH gender clinic begins seeing young children when they are between 2-3 years old to 9 years old! And they coach parents that they must “support” the child’s transgender feelings, claiming (falsely) that otherwise the child will become depressed and suicidal.

VIDEO: Young children know they’re transgender (1 min 28 sec)

Other videos deal with breast binding, “tucking” a penis on a boy, creating a penis on a girl (18+), and hysterectomies for girls (18+).

We have also linked a few speeches by the doctors describing the “positive” aspects of their gender care philosophy. These include a 2014 speech by Dr. Spack and a brief video by the co-founder of the BCH gender clinic, Dr. David Diamond (who is now starting a similar clinic at the U. of Rochester Medical Center).

Who are the people behind all this?

When seeing this, one thinks of the infamous Nazi doctors during the 1930s and early 1940s. The doctors and others at the BCH gender clinic are actually quite proud of being part of this clinic, and (until recently), their names were listed publicly. We include in our report the archived BCH pages naming them.

Note that we have included the list of the Trustees of Boston Children’s Hospital. They are obviously aware of what they are supporting.

And it goes far beyond that. You’ll read about the appalling World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which is mentioned in one of the videos above. It’s an international organization of transgender activists and their allies – many of whom are neither medical doctors nor medical researchers – that gives cover to hospitals and clinics that administer harmful treatments to minors (and adults), by providing (loose and evolving) “guidance.”

Final thoughts

Probably the most terrifying part of this report (and particularly the BCH videos) is the clinical, matter-of-fact way that these doctors approach this macabre “medical care.” It’s not medicine. It’s madness – part of the culture of death.

If anyone doubts that America’s medical profession has become destructive and – and even demonic – this report should open your eyes.

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