“A majority held in restraint by Constitutional checks and limitations… is the only true sovereign of a free people. Whoever rejects it does of necessity fly to anarchy or to despotism.” Abraham LincolnMY STATEMENT before the LA County Sheriff, Civilian Oversight Commission on Thursday June 22, 2017, at 9:30am. LOCATION: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California700 N Alameda St, Los Angeles, California 90012(Located next to Union Station)
—Dear Representatives of the LA County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission:I stand before you, the People, and the God who authored “the Laws of Nature” himself, to remind us all of our equal obligation to be subject to the same laws. There are three things we must never forget if our Government is to remain legitimate over a free People—since it was founded on the authority of “Natural Law,” as described in the Declaration of Independence. First, an understanding by “We The People” of the authority of Government we have adopted. Secondly, a consent of the Constitutional majority of “We The People” to be governed by that authority. Thirdly, a conduct by the governing representatives of “We The People,” which consistently reflects that authority. But if this Commission insists on combining with other local agencies to resist the Natural Law of co-operation with the immigration enforcement efforts of ICE; thus, making us citizens “subject to a jurisdiction that is foreign to our Constitution,” then let me be clear, “We the People of the United States,” will ONLY conform to the Constitution to which we have pledged our allegiance. And we will continue to publicly demonstrate our contempt for any policies that contradict this supreme Law of the Land.
“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” Thomas Jefferson

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