A couple of people have asked me to list my endorsments for the upcoming June Primary.

I have posted them before, but I had to make some changes and adjustments simply because I didn’t have enough information on all the candidates running for office.

So, here goes!


You guessed it: TRAVIS ALLEN!

I am disappointed with both Craig Huey and President Donald Trump. They are looking at money, when they need to look at policy and principle. This is a common mistake in California, sadly. Yes, this state is huge, and you need to raise big money to be effective. But what’s the point of getting behind a well-monied candidate who will not fight for the basic values which everyone is clamoring for?

Illegal immigration remains the hot-button issue, and Travis Allen is the only one who has been leading strong to attack this problem. All the other candidates are not taking a clear stance on this issue or they openly endorse this Sanctuary State nonsense.

Lieutenant Governor

David Hernandez. He is been on the front line of the fight for California and for Los Angeles County in particular for decades. He is right on all the issues. and the only one is not afraid to go anywhere and everywhere to make a difference.

Secretary of State

Mark Meuser. This man has been on the front line fighting for the voter franchise of all citizens and against voter fraud. He has also fought to protect the rights of college Republicans in California when regressive, abusive leftists like Yvette Falarca wanted to shut them down. He has worked hard moving up and down the state of California to reach out to all voters.

After Trump won the general election in 2016, he went to Wisconsin and Michigan to make sure that the voter recount process was fair and consistent, and that every proper vote was tallied. Recall that Trump ended up winning MORE votes after the recount in those two states!


Jack Guerrero. He is certified public account who works in a large banking firm in Los Angeles. He is not just a Republican, but a true conservative who fights for the values that everyone is concerned about. He sits on the city council in one of the bluest cities in Los Angeles County, and he was recently re-elected as the top vote getter.

This man is exactly the one we need in office.


Konstantinos (Kostas) Roditis: He is the only Republican on the ballot. Period. That’s good enough for me. Houpa!

Attorney General

Steve Bailey. He’s a conservative, he’s active, he served as a judge as well as a lawyer at one time. He didn’t donate to Democrats, either. He has been fighting for this seat since early 2017. He’s committed, and he has assured me his commitment to work with President Trump, to stop illegal immigration–AND to protect First Amendment rights of all on college campuses.

Insurance Commissioner

Steve Poizner. Yes, he’s running as an Independent, but he’s our best chance to stop LGBT/La Raza bigot Ricardo Lara. Need I say more?

US Senate

Erin Cruz. This is all about commitment and effort. Erin Cruz is the only candidate who reached out to me on social media and in person. She was the only candidate at the California Republican Assembly convention besides Tom Palzer. Tom is a great guy, but he needs to focus on repealing Top Twos . She is right on the issues that I care about. Yes, I have heard about Paul Taylor, but he just recently jumped in. If you are not ready to run until the last minute, then you’re not ready to serve in the office.

Erin Cruz has my vote.

Board of Equalization, District 3

Rick Marshall. He is the only Republican, a strict conservative on all the issues I care about, especially finance. Vote for Rick.


33rd Congressional District

Kenneth Wright

39th Congressional District

Shawn Nelson

43rd Congressional District


State Senate District 26

Mark Herd

State Assembly 66th District (Torrance/South Bay)

Frank Scotto

Torrance City Council


Ron Riggs

City Council

George Chen

Aurelio Mattuccio

Bill Sutherland

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