Hi Arthur,

Thank you if you’ve left one or more messages against one or both of the worst anti-parent bills in Sacramento.

So far, despite the California State Senate returning this week, no votes have occurred on AB 665 and AB 957. So please keep calling! Tonight, Friday night, and this weekend are strategic times to leave anonymous voicemail messages standing up for dads and moms!

Remember how horrid these Democrat-authored bills are:

AB 665 would eliminate existing parental consent before children as young as 12 years old can be taken away to a “residential shelter” and given drugs (“mental health treatment”). And despite the deceptive claims of the author and sponsor, there’s neither a “homeless” precondition nor any parental notification that’s enforceable or guaranteed. AB 665 is the emancipation of 12-year-olds, equipping the Establishment Left to take kids from parents for any reason.

AB 957 would instruct family court judges to disfavor parents who have moral objections to their child “transitioning,” and don’t “affirm” a biological boy claiming to a “girl,” or a biological girl claiming to be a “boy.” Even the Democrat-control Legislative Counsel’s office says AB 957 regards a “parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression” as essential to “the health, safety, and welfare of the child.” This bill would mean moral or religious parents in child custody cases, who go with reality, would lose!

Arthur, can you become an armchair activist? Here in mid-August, SaveCalifornia.com needs your assistance to generate a flood of opposition calls!

It’s simple and successful when you leave anonymous messages using our suggested script. Please make your brief calls between 7pm and 8am weekdays, and all weekend.

AB 665 emancipating 12-year-olds for any reason: See who to call and what to say

AB 957 punishing religious parents in family court: Directions + suggested script

TIMING ADVICE: The California State Senate will return on Monday, August 21 at 2pm. Please leave your anonymous messages for the deciding votes prior to Monday 8am. But for your own state senator, call directly and identify yourself when you call before Monday’s 2pm session during business hours (Friday 9a-5p and Monday 9a-2p).

“The family is the core unit in social cohesion. Society is built around family structures, and when the family decays, society becomes loose at the hinges.”

Right-on sociologist James Q. Wilson (1931-2012) on PBS’ Frontline in 2002

SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families, a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working, leading, and fighting for your rock-solid values and hard-won liberties since 1999. Your confidential, tax-deductible gift of any size empowers our work for your family and other families, and reaches Californians with important facts the Big Media won’t report. Thank you for standing with us!


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