Yes, there is in fighting among the members and standout stalwarts among the New Right.

The terms are confusing.

The grudges are unclear.

Yes, there is a lot of pride in the movement.

So, what is going on?

First of all, what are we talking about when we discuss “The New Right”?

How about “The Alt-Right” or the “Alt-Lite”?

What does any of this mean? These labels are part of the reasons we are seeing so much conflict. There is an over-emphasis on the groups which members belong to.

LA Werewolf mentions the need to focus on “the cause.”

What is the cause they are fighting for?

The major cause which had animated and energized many of the New Right was the Trump campaign. He made California conservatives feel hope again. Even if Trump had no chance of winning California, he could sweep the country and enact key policies to help our state.

So far, his election has been the very godsend we needed. Enforcement of our immigration laws is taking place at an all-time record. The market is rebounding like never before. Media conglomerates are taking a serious beating. Hollywood has had an epic bad year at the box office, and their purported leading lights have been exposed for their incredibly evil, dark deeds done in secret.

But …

What is the movement all about, then?

Do we want to ensure that more people are voting for Donald Trump in the next Presidential election.

OK, but why did so many people want Trump to win in November 2016 to begin with?

1. Illegal immigration. The overrunning of our borders has taken an untold toll on American communities. The strain on public resources, the cheap labor pushing out American workers, and the security threats to American citizens–all of this snowballed among the electorate to demand enforcement of our immigration laws.

2. Obamacare. This terrible law needs to be repealed, pulled apart, removed from the Congressional record. Let’s make health care great again and broaden the much-needed free-market reforms.

3. Tax reform–yes, we need to lower the tax burden across the board on all income earners.

4. Political correctness.

5. Patriotism.

Anyone of these issues need special attention, fighters of all backgrounds to take on the groundwork and advance the cause.

6. Corruption.

Here’s another major issue.

7. West Culture/Judeo-Christian values. This fight is needed now more than ever.

These concerns deserve utmost attention and care.

I would of liked to see you, kyle, rc maxwell, red elephants, arthur schaper, and everyone bash the left here. But no we in-fight instead.

— Frank Espinoza (@LAWereWolfOG) October 24, 2017
The infighting persists for a few reasons.

1. Some of the leading lights in the movement early on have become more invested in celebrity and the rewards of income which follow from it. Without going into names, it seems that more of them want to make a name for themselves and get rich in the process. They want fandom, stardom, whatever you want to call it.

2. New movement with new members has lead to the new challenges of handling conflict and disagreements. Most of the people rising up in the Trump movement have never worked in activist or organizing movements before. The skill set for conflict resolution is very new for people, and so there are clashes over timing and planning. A competition for different events will take hold, and people’s feelings get hurt.

Conservative, Pro-Trump Unity in Action!
3. There are people jumping into the Trump, pro-Western, right-wing movement who want to sabotage the movement. They actually Trump, conservative values, and right-wing politics.

I submit that there are plenty of prima donnas looking for attention rather than seeking to make a difference. Otherwise, pride would not be a factor to begin with.

What does motivate people to get involved, to be active and push back against the politically corrupt climes in our current culture?

I do it because it’s fun and because I do not like the arrogant, abusive bullying of the Left. The fundamental disregard for fairness and the rule of law from the Left has so enraged me, that I could not sit back and put up with it anymore. Besides, it is such a great feeling to put down bad policies, corrupt politicians, to rage against the legal and political establishment … and WIN!

Why is that a problem for anyone?

Oh, and another thing about this “in-fighting” …

The Democratic Party is in full free-fall as we speak. The infighting is intense, brutal, and likely to incinerate the Left. Left-leaning political parties are losing elections all over Europe and Asia.  The hardcore socialists have been led along for decades from the center-left parties. The political establishment has promised them just about everything, and yet after the most left-leaning President in American history was elected, much of what they hoped for never materialized. The most outspoken and effective left-wing activist in federal politics was not even a Democrat, but Independent socialist Bernie Sanders.

The Democratic Party has bee outed as incompetent, corrupt, and now bankrupt. Only in California does the Democratic Party have a lasting power, yet even here the party is fraying at the seams barely able to hold itself together. People on the right should not fear the infighting. It’s all about growing pains, and sometimes the clashes lead to more independent movements which fight for the same causes but in their own way.

There is good news for the differing right-wing coalitions, too.

A long-stand press for national unity and identity has overtaken many of the clashes and divides among the right. Steve Bannon, Chairman for Breitbart News, listed the three groups who helped Trump wing: nationalists, populists, and Christians.

All three of them care about God and country, and these basic commitments allow for strong yet wide alliances. If the growing number of New Right members will learn to settle differences privately, there is nothing but growth, influence, and improvement available for all of us.

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