Today, on Presidents’ Day, we commemorate the legacy of America’s founding fathers, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Efforts from the radical left seek to erase the memory of Washington and Lincoln from our national consciousness.

The liberal Democrat agenda aims to rewrite history, removing historical figures and promoting progressive ideologies like critical race theory to interpret historical events solely through a racial lens, redefining the founding of our nation. These movements seek to discredit the contributions of figures like Washington and Lincoln. Politicians in D.C., such as Joe Biden, and others even right here in Idaho, are determined to erase our shared history at any cost.

Let’s honor the wisdom and humility of George Washington, who rejected the offer of kingship to uphold the principles of our republic.

Let’s also recognize the courage and commitment of Abraham Lincoln, who championed equality for all men before God, regardless of race, as the foundation of our nation.

As we commemorate the generations of the Founding Fathers and Civil War era, let’s ensure that our children are taught the true history of our nation, so they can defend the principles upon which our free republic stands.

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