Claude Todoroff of the Torrance-Lomita Republican Assembly issued the following rebuke to RPLAC Treasurer Gary SCAM-inoff:

In the business world we call what LACGOP is doing is a CYA memo. All that LACGOP will do this November is set us up for more defeats. You guys have lost so often that it has become your status quo. BTW did you notice in the clip from the radio show that Carl also mentioned that LACGOP was AWOL when the Repeal the Gas Tax drive was going onYou can’t do a CYA memo for that.
When will BCR get their charter back? If you guys at LACGOP wanted to heal that wound you would show up at their next meeting and give it back to them without BCR having to reapply and all that other crap.
RINO Chairman
Richard Sherman
I hear that LACGOP was not happy that the Torrance clubs did precinct walking in the primary for our Torrance city council candidates instead of for Scotto or Dr. Ken Wright. The real races were at the city level since it was obvious to the clubs that Scotto and Dr. Wright would advance. I guess youguys weren’t too concerned about Omar Navarro since you put all your support on that loser Edwin Duterte who burned bridges faster than he could built new ones. BTW we won 2 out of the 4 races. That’s a lot better than LACGOP did in Nov. 2016 but I guess that was all Trump’s fault and not the weak candidates who threw candidate Trump under the bus and caused the base not to vote for your little darlings. Now one of those failed candidates who threw candidate Trump under the bus in early July 2016 wants to be state chairman. God help us.

 If that happens I will join the DTS faction too. The base wants candidates who wrap their arms around our president and not RINOs who will throw our president under the bus again in 2020. You need to tell the anti-Trumpers to get in the back of the bus and STFU. Trump knows how to win and the anti-Trumpers will only teach you what LACGOP has been doing for decades ie. how to LOSE.

Let me suggest that in order to reverse your Yes on 6 PR disaster that Mr. Sherman get on the radio show this Friday and let him discuss things with Carl.How much of a communication error could there have been when Yes on 6 was told to get their stuff out of your Encino offices? When did the LACGOP decide to junk the long standing GOP platform of lower taxes and less government? Was it the same time you flushed “family values” down the RINO toilet? When you start looking and behaving like Democrats you don’t give your base a reason to support the GOP candidates. Start standing for our principles again like Pres. Trump has then you might start giving the Democrats a run for their money again. Does LACGOP really want to see Al Murasutchi (Christians need to evolve in their believes) or Ted Lieu (assign a shrink 24/7 to the WH to make sure the president doesn’t go off his rocker) or Maxine Waters (impeach 45) being re-elected for another 2 year term? Maybe LACGOP should read the Art of the Deal and you could learn to be winners again like we were in the 60s and 70s. Instead it seems you are all reading “What Happened” the blame book by crooked Hillary.
Claude Todoroff doesn’t mince words.
Maybe he should be the next Republican Party of Los Angeles County Chairman!
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